If not drunk, maybe terrified that some axe/ gun toting maniac is on his way out to find why his car alarms gone off.
"The system works best between 11 and 20 mph, and charging through an empty office park straight at an engineer at that speed is a little disorienting." if its disorientating at that sort speed what the hell is it like at motorway/highway speeds. And I'd hardly call 20 mph "charging".
It's a shame the translator didn't speak English.
Thanks for the info, stunning car, now all I need to know is now much a second hand 50 year old kidney ( owner tea total ) is worth and where to sell it.
Ouch! If you fit a "bugger" piece to give more support, won't that mean you'd have to stand with your back to the desk? ;-)
Please tell me the name of the second one down, its beautiful.
Here's just a few things that grind my gears.
They'er already doing this in London (UK) and its bloody hopeless, it either takes ages or doesn't work, and they screw you for over $9.00 an hour.
That's a really shitty thing to do,,,,,,,,but in a good way.