Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, because we all need more psychedelic metal ska punk from Argentina.
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, because we all need more psychedelic metal ska punk from Argentina.
Daimler’s semi-autonomous bus completed its first public test route, covering a bit more than 12 miles between…
Microsoft Excel is packed with useful data management features that don’t see a lot of use, like pivot tables, index…
I like the honorable General quite a bit, but after 20+ years in the Army and National Guard myself, as well as corporate management, I must humbly disagree with him. These are the kinds of things that are neat to say, but seldom deliver materially in any organization.
Raising the standards sounds great when you have a…
What it comes down to is, stop being a bitch and buy a bike if you want a bike. Everyone comes up with a million excuses as to why they can't ride but most of them are just that, excuses.
You know you are a jalop when you have a repair manual on the seat. :D
The One Thing
The Clown Shoeting Brake.
Stef, thanks for the feature and your great photography. Guero's Auto Sales was recently opened by me and a partner so I could live out my passion for "special" cars on a larger and broader scale (without the annoyance relating to registration and taxes... ). We maintain an inventory of "normal" daily drivers, which…
I'm trying to imagine a scenario where I receive one of these e-mails and I feel anything other than offended. Rather than lambaste it anymore though; here is my alternative:
Moderate liberal and Texan here. For the first time in...... ever? I can finally say that I fully agree with Rick Perry on this. Politically he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. The state benefits. Tesla benefits.