Is it available to everyone? Yes.
It is easy to learn? Yes.
/Not a game killer.
Is it available to everyone? Yes.
It is easy to learn? Yes.
/Not a game killer.
Welcome to the world of information, where viral images will blast across social media and reach tons and tons of…
Service guarantees citizenship!
Everyone knows this is the REAL way to eat sushi.
People who don't understand why the start menu is preferred are, in my experience, people who largely don't use their computers to do serious work and instead largely use them for entertainment or recreational purposes.
This guy really nailed it. If Microsoft was smart, they'd hire him!
nice to see I'm not the only one madly in love with that start menu.
I haven't pirated anything in years. That said, back when I did do that, I typically bought what I pirated. It was more of an act of... I dunno, desperation? Something like that. I was young, I didn't have money, and I wanted to see what I was missing out on. I don't really have that excuse these days. I have money.…
i'm sorry but i disagree....i came from singapore where firearms were banned for sales altogether and all men had to serve the army when they reached 18 (and thus, all men had professional training on firearms)....
I think we're on to something. Leave the DC Universe to BatDad. I'm going MARVEL!
Aikage is writing his review of Kirk Hamilton's review right now. You can read it right here in the comments section at midnight o one ET. You can read other comments then, too. I won't be offended. I know you mostly don't know me, the most.
This is the only unboxing video I enjoy watching.