Cuphead is coming to pc if you can play it there
that is a metroid remake not super metroid,
Their official trailers (there are only 3) are similar but don't use the same footage. The reason this footage uses repeated gameplay is because it is b-roll for the interview of a video produced by sony not hello games. I agree that we should keep are expectations in check though, I for one am cautiously optimistic.
For the few of you worried about the repeated gameplay in this interview, I am pretty sure it is just playstation using their previously released gameplay as b-roll, if you go to their site you can see their three different trailer's of the game (two do feature a similar cave but it isn't the same footage)
This is cute, but I think you should look into dynamic compression for the volume I am not sure what programs can help you implement it but it basically lowers the volume of very load noises so you can hear quiet voices but not have load noises hurt
Edit: nevermind I thought this might have been from lance on kotaku AU…
So basically half life 3 is planned for reality by the end of 2017, I can wait for that