You're assuming that while at Capcom he was forced against his will to churn out Megaman after Megaman, and him leaving Capcom freed him from the chains of having to make Megaman. In fact, it seems like Capcom didn't want to make Megaman anymore, yet he still wanted to.
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin' to say, but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish and Gabe Newell acts like he forgot about HL3.
What makes gamers angry is fucking lag. Why don't they focus on advancing telecommunications signals with substantially lower interference. There's something FUCKING constructive for him to take part in.
It's more an Apple TV type device to connect your PS devices.
You do realize the entire point isn't to sell more Vitas, It's to sell more software FOR the Vita? Before this, the only way you could sell software for the Vita was to sell the devices, That struggled in part because of an unreasonably high price. It's the sale of games that recoup their losses, and lead to…
I just love Inafune's argument, "It looks like Megaman, because I made Megaman, and any similarity to it is because that's my style." I paraphrased that of course, but the jist of it is in there.
Got a good laugh from this one. Link.
A) You can't get sued for making a game that plays similar.
People who are dumb generally don't feel dumb.
I REALLY hope Capcom feels dumb right now.
I think you're unfortunately mistaken on this, Sloopy. I know you are hesitant to support any effort to stop genocide that isn't happening within US borders, but I hope you can understand that others might be concerned about human beings regardless of their nationality, race, or religion. Personally, I am a human…
I disagree that the US and international considering what they can possibly do about Syria "is stupid". While it's true that regional powers should be stepping in to help end the crimes against humanity, their cowardice shouldn't stop others from making some attempt to end or at least lessen the slaughter going on in…
PS4 is going to be so fucking amazing.
No ads? wtf sony I want to pay for my ads!!!! I'm officially canceling my pre-order.
It's not an abortion, it's a preemie. I think it's be survive, but it'll be hard going, and everyone in the close family is going to have some stressful nights.
Yet another click-bait article by Kotaku. You got me.... Maybe one of these days I'll learn not to click on sensationalistic article titles.
Yeah, because that section of the mining complex during Ellie's part was so much fun.