
I have a love/hate relationship with Steam. On the one hand, it's allowed me to play more games and have more fun than I can imagine without it; living in the Philippines, where boxed originals are overpriced and new games can't be reliably pre-ordered (or even released on time), it's been a videogaming lifeline.

This is probably a day-one buy for me, if only because it's the first time I've ever seen my name used as a videogame player character.

Leigh, you've always been my favorite contributor. Please do keep on reminding me why.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Aww, give yourself s'more credit, buddy. If it was bad, I wouldn't have asked you not to be sorry.

I'm calling it now. BioSWAT System Force 2. Yes, it's ALREADY a sequel.

@TundraWolf: I've had a handful of awesome sessions playing the Starcraft boardgame. And even when my cousins and I were getting the rules all wrong, learning them as we played and just going along with the game regardless of the mistakes was still a blast. One of the cousins I played with never even played the PC

But TossGirl plays Terran and she's a pro-gamer! D:

@shaunmcilroy: Maybe that's why Waifu loves him so much. ;)

@GamerKT: Operative word: "could"

@John J Riley: Gotta admit, though, you kind of saw that coming.

@Dehnus: Don't worry about the trolls and dwarves. They'll cast Man-Faye and his kind to play them.

@Thut: Of the garden variety, perhaps.

Fffuuuu. Why is she everywhere I go.

@Fauxcused: Mind if I have your account once you're done with it, then? :)

I lol'ed at the following description of iPeg's TITAN C2:

@Wrinklemon: Looks like her. She's the only Progamer I know who rocks a pink berret.