Cheers mate.
Cheers mate.
Just had a look at the answers I've got - seems like they are pretty much self-contained and focus on a new character each game. I think there's a few people who appear in multiple games but in general you don't need to have played any of them to play any others. This could only apply to the Arland series though as…
Ah I see, thanks for the answer. Think I'll pick it up then.
Thanks mate, perfect answer.
Question to anyone who has played this and it's predecessor:
Started my first replay of Final Fantasy IX in about 8 years. Forgot how much I love the music and the art in this game. Had a big famil reunion this weekend so didn't get to play as much as I'd like, but currently on my way to Burmercia to sort out the shitstorm ensuing there.
To be honest, I'm glad they're not as popular but that they're popular enough for people to put the time and effort into translating them. Means plebians such as myself who can't read a word of Japanese get to enjoy the novels without any fear of the almighty copyright hammer being brought down on the projects before…
Thanks for answer. Makes sense that they wouldn't go after these guys because they're not doing anything negative for their business (apart from maybe any Japanese people who speak English getting the novels from there instead of buying them - though I imagine the number of people doing that is very low).
This is pretty much the answer I was looking for. Cheers mate.
What is the actual legality of translating and distributing a light novel online if it is not licensed and most likely never will be?
It's not so much that his points aren't valid, it's the fact he's ignoring the consumers who make him money and taking the "deal with it" attitude. Because clearly disregarding what paying customers are telling you and being rude in your replies to them is the way to go.
I was just thinking how funny it is that there's this craze at the moment (and I guess the last few years) of making older style games. It's great really, because it means we can explore all sorts of ideas that would have been thrown aside in the race to make games prettier rather than better.
Could not agree more. Getting him on board would have been my first move if I was working on this movie.
Outrageous arrogance from the Hollywood execs that thought they knew better than the original author. I hope they all got fired.
Video is private :(
Haha, I know - it was just the picture I had in my head. It's probably because the name isn't common at all here in the UK and the only other Hernandez I know of is the footballer Javier Hernandez who is Mexican...
Fair enough mate, thanks for the chat.
I thought she would look Mexican.
So I'm a creeper for looking directly at a picture that's right on the page? I'll hide it then, thanks for the heads up.
It's interesting seeing everyone's faces on the new Kotaku. Patricia, you look nothing like I expected. I'll leave you to take that however you like.