
Yeah I'm not convinced this game is going to control as well as it does on the PC. I'll buy it nonetheless because my Vita library is sorely lacking.

Pretty much the answer I was looking for. I'll be playing the Vita version of the game very soon so I'll be able to make my own comparisons but thanks for taking the time to response in such a comprehensive manner :D

My copy of the Vita version is actually on the way - this article reminded me to buy it!

I thought the Persona 4 adaptation was great - but then again I haven't played the game. I'll be watching this all the same.

If people want to give their money to a rich woman so she can pay for a camp that she could afford to send her daughter to 100 times over then let them. They're wasting their money, but it's their money to waste.

For all the changes to the site this week - having a decently sized YouTube video embedded in articles is by far my favourite. No more having to click play and then click the direct link to YouTube. Wonderful.

On second thoughts - ignore me. Just found it.

I don't think so? It only finished last Thursday.

Matsuda is getting a 40% pay cut and a promotion? Not many people would take a pay cut to take a job with more responsibility.

Also: will you guys be doing second half reviews for Psycho Pass and Magi as well? Interested in your take on PP especially.

The major gripe for me was how Kimijima Kou didn't have any backstory and thus the only reason given for him wanting to kill most of the planet was "I just want to finish my project". I would have liked his character to be fleshed out a little more as he turned out to be the main antagonist and yet got very little

I really hope this project stays afloat, I'd hate to see people sink a load of money into it only for it to go down.

True, but there's obviously a lot more freedom without a publisher making a lot of the major decisions for you. I think ultimately, companies like Double Fine and Red Thread Games who know how to make games will be fine. It's the smaller companies who have used Kickstarter to fund these big ambitious projects who will

I think Kickstarter-funded games are going to change how we think about the time it takes to make a game because the developers only have to worry about getting the game finished - they have no time constraints.

This game looks stunning. Right blend of gameplay, atmosphere and story for me.

I couldn't agree more, I was just wondering the exact legal implications and was wondering if someone knew.

I'd rather they release actual content like this to raise money than running to Kickstarter. Plus there's every chance they might even be decent mobile games so I see no reason why I won't be investing in them myself.

With an open platform comes this sort of issue. Obviously I can see why Nintendo would be concerned as they're making a lot of money reselling their old games, but what's the actual legality of downloading a ROM for a game you bought a long time ago? If I own an original copy of Super Mario Bros, is it illegal for me

"conversations that would be voiced today are left silent"

The problem with hoping for a Valkyria Chronicles game is that they didn't bring the last one West... :(