
What you said about losing the gains quickly, I think it’s more a bodyweight exercise thing than a gender thing (I’m a dude though, so maybe it’s both). I’ve had periods where I can do 20+ pullups or 60+ pushups at a time, but almost immediately lose that ability when I stopped doing it daily/weekly. I just recently

Could you elaborate....

RunPee is great! I use it at every (good) movie.

I had a weird all-over-my-hands-and-face allergic reaction at a Korean chicken place. We had both chicken wings and some gnarly fishbowl mixed drinks, so I’m not sure what it was, but it’s given me pause before eating Korean fried chicken.... not much pause but pause. There were also definitely mice in there, so maybe

Weirdly, the fact that they taste like dirt is part of why I like beets? Maybe I can’t taste exactly what you’re talking about, though. I don’t think I’ve ever had canned ones.

I look a lot like my dad, but a lifetime of dirty looks from me has taught him to stop doing this, or at least catch himself when he does. Absolutely hate it. Especially as an adult, lol.

For a while I had screens in my bong’s bowl, kept the whole thing very clean... I should buy some again.

Also, partially because of what I’m talking about here in terms of overall effect, dabs/pens make your tolerance rise so, so quickly because of how quickly the effects fade.

This, absolutely. Sativa/Indica is mostly useless. Even strain is mostly useless across dispensaries/growers. It’s all about the terp/cannabinoid profile. After a while you kind of just look at the weeds that you like and try to find patterns in how they smell, and buy accordingly, instead of focusing on name.

Having consumed a lot of all of these, the high is not the same across methods.

I just discovered Claritin (loratadine) is like $10 for 365 of them at Costco, vs. $10-30 for 30 at a pharmacy. 

I was always a huge Titanfall fan, but Apex has inspired me to pick TF2 back up again and it’s amazing how well it stands up. The game, like Apex, is addicting in just how tight the controls are. It really makes me wish a Titanfall 3 were in the works... oh well.

That’s a terrible idea. You definitely shouldn’t send bribes to people, they usually don’t appreciate it.

I tend to see moving cars as loaded guns. Every bad move, unused turn signal, glance at phone, is just aiming that gun closer towards the people around you. People absolutely do not understand how dangerous cars are, and I think it should be much more difficult (skills-wise, not monetarily) to get a driver’s license.

Y’know I’ve been thinking about this recently. I think it probably comes down to a few things and it’ll depend on your procedure. I think the biggest thing is making sure the meat isn’t cold, I let it sit out (covered) for half an hour or so. After that is probably trying not to crowd the pan, so we might have to do

I get absolutely furious when people do shit like this. I’ve yelled at people after they made fun of a laugh.

When I bought Battlefield 1 I would have dreams about laying down in a muddy burning field trying to spot the shape of helmets coming over the horizon in the distance and shoot them before they saw me. It was stressful. When I was playing PUBG a lot I would have dreams where I’m just constantly thinking about weapon

Yeah basically, people who sit a lot and have a forward-tilted pelvis as a result get stretched out and weak abs. So you ‘unstretch’ them by strengthening them, stretching other tight muscles that are pulling on them, and kind of just remembering to have correct posture for long enough that it becomes natural. It’s a

All you need are 4 eneloops and a charger. When one set dies throw them on the charger and swap in the other set. Repeat. Been doing this for years now. Also I’m pretty sure you can connect it with micro-usb if you’re desperate.

Lying down on the ground always helps for me. I just moved in with three new cats and we’re all pretty chill now. It helps a lot if you know how to pet them and respond accordingly to their reactions—it’s like interacting with a person. Cheeks chin and top of the head are usually the best, but you gotta gauge it