
I seriously had zero idea what he was saying there hahaha.

I am sure that people don't have problems killing the actual terrorists, it's all the "collateral damage" that people can't stomach. You seem to think that everyone we've killed is a bloodthirsty maniac.

This might [read:probably] be a stupid question, but can that giant tower actually fall?

Fantastic. I was kind of expecting it to trail off judging by the length, but even the parts where it seemed to be random eventually connected back. Really interesting piece.


"Mind. Blowed." Did you mean blown?

I just hate when I get kicked for doing too well... It's not like it happens that much so I'd appreciate being allowed to continue. I don't really mind random rules, I just try to find something fun and not too ridiculous.

This comment thread has thoroughly depressed me.

Sweet + a little salt is the BEST though! Caramel with some sea salt in the middle... absolutely amazing.

I've always liked that model fine. I'm not sure why it's hurting your hands so much... Still cool screwdrivers though.

Cross map wraith shot on a full flag-carrying mongoose. I was so happy :'D

"a girl that just won't stop the drama yet you end up with her" That's the male example right there.

Now this is true, but I'll still likely never have enough money to justify buying a normal one here in Boston. My point was more I wish I had money for crazy-electric super-unnecessary shit haha.

I wish I had money for things like this!! It only makes it worse knowing how seriously I want this, and how seriously I'll never have that much extra money to spend/justify spending on this.

aaahahahahahahahaa. Well played.

Me too... and I agree with the last statement completely.

And those are what we call terrorists.

I remember the first time that image was used for an article, and soon after it was put up more ribbons were added, giving us what we have here.

Like Drunken Donuts said, the population has increased by 54%, while paper consumption has increased by 150%.

I think in general you say billion instead of 1000 million.