They are very much so limited stock. People have preorders on shoes for months and they sell out immediately. If you wanted to buy most Jordans the next day online you'd be paying hundreds of dollars more.
They are very much so limited stock. People have preorders on shoes for months and they sell out immediately. If you wanted to buy most Jordans the next day online you'd be paying hundreds of dollars more.
The reason this happened is because immediately after they sell out in stores they're going to be sold for thousands of dollars. There's a ton of hype around the galaxies, and they're not just "glow in the dark NIkes."
For some reason my dad told me to watch this movie probably 5 years ago. It is amaaazing
I'm sure there are other places to find out but I figured I'd ask. I'm assuming you don't have to get Lion before you get Mountain Lion, but will it cost more if you don't, or less if you do?
I love how long it takes her to start to stand up.
Oh man... that just completely blew my mind...
Maybe it's a little man raising the roof?
Yes, I think so.
Now I have to watch QI all night! Damn you!!!
Where did those trees come from!?!?!?
Stumbled this a while ago, looked pretty cool.
'96 and I got 3/4...
Everybody I know suddenly started playing this game and thinks it's the greatest thing in existence. Worst part is they're gonna stop playing it in 2 weeks and find the next random thing.
Allergies are immune disorders so I can see where they got this, but yes you're still right. Also that's some interesting information, thanks man.
I never knew how to spell that... man that movie's crazy
I think about this all the time and how none of us will ever see most of the amazing things we as a race accomplish. I'll never go to space, I'll never do a lot of things, that's why I just try to appreciate what we have now. We think that everything we're promised will happen during our lives, but once you get over…
"Guesstimate"... you just made an enemy for life
I like it.... I had the beta about a month or two ago and thought it was pretty cool. It's pretty and I don't think it's hard to use. Obviously the issue in this article is different, but I still like the new design.
Well technically it doesn't matter which one of the two you do first, but yeah that is strange haha