
Scary music playing in the background is a nice touch.

Yeah, teenage girls do that shit alllll the time on facebook. People have like 50 siblings and 10 wives.

@Lion_Knight: Oh god, bad memories of that movie resurfacing.

The original on the ps2 was so good. SSX, man.

@KamWrex: I wouldn't really call her relevant, more just some random semi-attractive woman that people see in the news and, for some reason, has a tv show.

This is awesome.

Wrong picture or article?

I feel like everyone on Giz would have known that one in a heartbeat. Maybe I just really love ferrofluid.

Hot damn.

@lonewolf325: Uh, I never said that. I'm just saying some people's parents aren't great. I'm applauding him. I never involved myself in this.

@djdare: The problem is when people aren't as good parents as you are. If most people can't make these choices and just let their kids get really fat, then the government needs to try to help them. It would probably make more sense to try to educate people on these things instead of changing laws.