
I don't see a problem here. It's clear that the recipient of this text was black.

"it will all die down especially when they say NOT GUILTY and all the people who turned on me will feel like crap."

It's been confirmed that the rosey cheeked guy is Danny Watkins and the other guy you see briefly is Jason Kelce.

That's a fair question. I've had Bo from here to Myrtle Beach. I gotta say that IMO it is a little bit better in the South, but that could be just because of the accent it's served with. Having said that, the "Yankee Bojangles" is still better than any KFC garbage.

While I disagree with what you're saying, I applaud the way you said it.

Fun fact: the only Bojangles in all of Pennsylvania is in my city. And it's wonderful.

The best.

I'm a Bojangles guy. Give it a try.

Amaro's aprroval rating in Philly is at an all-time low. He's even had to resort to using an alias at city restaurants and hotels. But "Hot Sandwich of Corned Beef Swiss Cheese Sauerkraut And Russian Dressing On Rye Amaro, Jr." hasn't really slowed the ambitious Philly media.



Through those same glasses I spelled "colored" correctly.

I'm just as sentimental as the next guy, but the fact is Chooch will be 35 in January. Couple that with the fact that he's one of the few guys that may generate any trade interest and he just becomes a logical choice. I don't see it as being a "get him the hell outta here" scenario.

If we're lucky it'll ONLY be another year. But I think we're heading for a '95-'00 type of depression.

Rose collored.

/quotes Reservoir Dogs

While the kitchen staff surely isn't paid handsomely, they still make much more hourly than servers.

I'm pretty sure that's Danny Watkins, Eagles offensive guard. You can almost see him thinking "what the fuck did you just do, bro?"

Well it's definitely working, so maybe you're on to something.

I'm fairly certain that once you hit 500+ recommendations the law states that you must create an avatar. I've told at least 20 people about this joke.