
Can we examine for a moment the very odd scooping/cupping motion being made by the gentleman in the blue, perhaps denim, shirt?

The recent name change to Crystal Cup from Koopa Cup Rainbow Road gave riders a false sense of security.

Good stuff. The Stacks has yet to disappoint.

This really made me chuckle. Nice work.

"Actually, there's a difference between being famous and being infamous for having an odd first name."

"Actually, there's a difference between being famous and being infamous for having an odd name."

What what in the butt!

+1 hat size


Her form in the initial freeze frame suggests it wasn't balls that she was looking to receive. Knowwhatimean?

"and then Mr. Clutch eases out gently as Mr. Gas enters almost simultaneously for a nice smooth take off."

Aren't Tebow Fatheads kinda redundant? As if the ones hanging above every clock in every Catholic school weren't enough.


I don't think this rant was long or smug enough. - Dennis Miller

Eddie Vedder has announced that all future performances of "Last Kiss" will be dedicated to the original namesake.

This just sucks. Things like this get me every time.

So wait, this isn't just a really long Brazzers intro?

+1 good stuff!

Kidd's ex had planned a press conference today to make the announcement first, but in true Jason Kidd fashion, he beat her.

Watch the 2nd video above. The only one that be could be called meaningless is the first one, down 8 runs.