
“We don’t want you to enjoy our work from unauthorized sources. The only legitimate modern-day way to enjoy our classic, timeless work is by trampling each other to get a NES or SNES classic during their extremely limited runs. We hope that what you want to play is one of the 50 games across both devices. We will not

That’s a fair point, I can definitely see where you’re coming from and can see this as the likelier reasoning.

It’s not laziness, it’s having to make serious concessions and generate creative solutions to get something on inferior hardware. Before people get mad, I’m not saying the Switch sucks, I’m saying that hardware-wise, it just can’t be compared to the PS4 or Xbone.


Cracker Barrel likely dipped because they haven’t issued a statement about Brad’s wife, who was unceremoniously fired after 11 years of service on her husband’s birthday! Justice for Brad’s wife!

So, I talked on the Anthem subreddit about how dumb it is that everything in the game is balanced around 4-player teams, and I was overwhelmingly shut down. This comes from a Gameinformer article iirc.

Fuck Valve.

It Follows.

man yells at cloud.jpg

How many people did Pareene influence and embolden to not vote? Unless you know for sure the answer is 0, this kind of pettiness is not dumb. As of now, anyone who chose to “symbolically not vote” is complicit with Trump’s election. End of discussion.

They’re probably doing this because players were getting bored with the games and chose not to buy the season pass. Now, they want to force them to buy it all upfront, whether they use it or not.

As a kid, Spyro was MY game. I hunted down all the secrets in 2 & 3 and then 100%d the secret levels, and I loved every minute of it. The zones are so cool, the music is unique and fantastic (and funny that I’d end up loving The Police years later, when one of their members was the driving force behind the

Children are pretty smart. I wouldn’t be surprised if this child understood her teacher was taking a picture to make fun of her, and that’s heartbreaking. I don’t know what would possess someone to do this.

That’s...kinda cool. I really enjoy underdog teams. I’m tempted to spend some OWL tokens on their skins just in case they’re booted from the League.

Great question, I really don’t know. I would have guessed something like Steam charging devs per update (like Microsoft does or did), but seeing indie devs push out weekly patches makes that seem unlikely. But I also don’t see what would cause Steam to restrict that, unless changing a game’s DRM after the fact is an

“Dormamu, I’ve come to bargain...”

To be honest, I could see this being a lot of fun. Sometimes, I really enjoy CoD’s arcadey-type combat and vehicles is an interesting take on it.

I think it’s a valuable metric. But, like any statistic, there are things it will and won’t tell you and it can’t paint a picture on its own.

Exactly! MW2 has always been my favorite, I’d roll with oddball streaks like stealth bomber and EMP. The fear of hearing a stealth bomber roll in and realizing “oh no...I’m outside...” or countering chopper gunners with the EMP. Good times.

What I want from Call of Duty: