FZJ80 owner here. You can source a manual one from overseas, but the domestic, power antenna part is $400.
FZJ80 owner here. You can source a manual one from overseas, but the domestic, power antenna part is $400.
We Saab owners have a hard time parting with our cars:
Brands who don’t have a clear identity often have one foisted upon them by the collective characteristics of their customers. And, in New York City at least, Nissan drivers are often asshats.
So 50% heavier and $5000 more for 200lb better payload and a few more MPG? Thanks, progress!
Join the Gotham City Land Cruisers. ;)
Too easy.
Is that Futurliner under recall?
I picked up that term from the IH8MUD.com message boards, where all things Land Cruiser are discussed.