I want to thank you guys for not running with this story until after you had confirmed it was fake. That shows some integrity that is much-needed in game journalism.
I want to thank you guys for not running with this story until after you had confirmed it was fake. That shows some integrity that is much-needed in game journalism.
3 years. Unless I am grossly mistaken, it is not 2017, and the Vita did not come out until 2012.
Yen Woo Ping even mentioned in interviews that he barely did any choreography for Kill Bill, as Tarantino had already done most of the work by the time he arrived on the production. That certainly explains why the scenes are so bad in the film, despite Yen's general brilliance. I imagine that most of what he did…
I'm sorry, but the inclusion of anything by that hack Quentin Tarantino just hobbles the rest of the list. Unlike many of the other people on the list, Tarantino is awful, without any sense of philosophy or knowledge about the martial arts. Even Yen Woo Ping, supposedly the choreographer of that scene, has no presence…
Obviously not. Have you taken a look at Nintendo's financials recently? Despite all the horrible decisions that they have made, and despite of the WiiU being largely unpopular, they are still making money. Iwata, for all his many faults, is a financial wizard of some sort, and squeezes profits out of thin air.
Come to think of it, you are right. I may have seen this same thing before under different circumstances. It must be marketing departments, they are the only ones who are capable of something this absurd.
All of the critiques I have for this policy are concisely stated in a metaphor published alongside that policy. . . I have nothing else to say. It's poetic, when you think about it.
Yes. That is assuming they do absolutely nothing for the next 20 years or so. Then, they will finally run out of money and be doomed!
It is one thing to be a racist, it is another to actively fight racial equality. Even though it may not detract from the work, my point is that the work is still awful. Unlike Poe, his hero, who actually freed a slave in his lifetime, Lovecraft actively sabotaged racial equality with his work.
Questionable politics of…
"Because there exists no method known to man, more terribly suited to expose the cosmic meaningless of existence than pairing the words of H.P. Lovecraft with seemingly delightful and charming pictures of adorable kittens" — H.P. Lovecat.
Uh, the original Daddy WArbucks from the Annie comic should certainly be on the "evil" end. I suppose if you are talking about the gruff-but-heart-of-gold Warbucks from the musical -which of course was made as a giant middle finger to the original comic- then that might be OK. But really, the original Daddy Warbucks…
The director of Final Fantasy XV is reading your comments, Kotaku. Hope you've got good ones.
There was a PC port of Suikoden I and II back in the day, though it was designed for China and other Asian countries. No word on how the Chinese port sold or how it performed, but they were designed for Win95/98, a rather common port on GoG nowadays. It is difficult to tell if this was handled in-house or by an…
I live in the west coast and had never heard it before playing SII, and have never heard it spoken once. It is German/Polish-Yiddish in its origin, and that is what I meant: like how blase, pastiche, and auteur are French words, and sky, diverge, and skill are Norse.
Oh? Then explain Suikoden I? That has been out for roughly six full years now lol.
HA! good guess. In the 90s I was in Selwood, Oregon City, and Hawthorne. Perhaps I am just bitter for being left out of the giant Portlandia party everyone else seems to have had in back then lol.
Portland is very "now." Everyone likes to make fun of this city. Thanks, Portlandia!
In the words of the great filmmaker Terrence Malick: "Always respect the audience." I've been saying the same thing for years. MMOs and quests much like them are lazy game design, and fail to properly respect their audience.