Fascists. Just like the Madonna del manganello
Fascists. Just like the Madonna del manganello
Well, that is some pretty remarkable timing. . .
OK, it is not like I am trying to be nitpicky on a joke article like this, it is just that the joke is ruined when you list Placebo, because isn’t the vox in that group a woman?
Also, I was under the impression that Kid Rock had a female drummer. I cannot say for certain, and I do not know if she has much input in the…
When I was 4 or 5, the downing of (civilian) Iran Air Flight 655 by the US Military. I remember the news coverage of anti-American protests in the streets of Tehran, with them holding up pictures of the Ayatollah. I asked my parents “Who is that man?” and my mother replied, rather hilariously: “That man thinks that he…
I have no idea what you mean by that. It is just that I grew up bloodying my knuckles on Neo-Nazi meth dealers in my hometown. As such, I despise Breaking Bad for trivializing my struggle, and you should too.
People say that you either love or hate Evangelion. I do neither. Really, I am one of the few people that I know who acknowledges its flaws and its strengths, both. Really, it was not like the idiotic narrative of giant angel-monsters was going anywhere, so you may as well put the protagonist in the hot-seat for the…
For me, Anime was easy to get into. Really, in the early aughts, we were all so desperate for alternative narratives to the mainstream of American popular culture, that Anime was an obvious choice. Think about it: the vast majority of the popular culture was co-opted in support of the coming wars in the shadow of the…
The great Filmmaker John Frankenheimer, once said: “Always respect the audience.” This is true, respect for the audience is what delineates true art from mere “entertainment.” Anime studios vastly underestimate how much they insult their own audience by producing awful, uninspired nonsense like filler. Once they…
You are factually wrong. First, 12 Angry Men was a play, that was never staged until after the film was shot. The film is its first production. 2001 was not “adapted” from a novel, but was Kubrick’s own work. Indeed, he instructed Arthur C Clark exactly how he wanted the film to differ from the book, as the film was…
You are not thinking about this clearly enough. I see nothing in your response worth replying to. Good day.
I do not find it fun at all. At its core, fiction is merely the communication of ideas to an audience. Even under the best of circumstances, remakes often communicate precisely the same ideas to me as the original. Often however, they forego many of the original’s most interesting ideas for diluted, conformist, and…
Yeah as long as it was “Teenage Exorcist/Demon Hunter,” or “Magical who-done-it in Tokagawa-era spirit Japan” I was fine with the show. But after the first 30 episodes or so it just started pulling everything out of its own ass, being completely inconsistent, and warping its own characters to the point where they no…
I don’t understand what you mean. Are you referring to comic films like the Marvel films? If that is so, then I will say that I never read the comics, so the films are new to me. Also, most of the Marvel films are merely decent, not bad, but also not good in any particular way either.
Are you talking about the Manga…
That is just my point. There is absolutely no reason for me to do so, as I have already seen the anime. Why would I watch a rehash of something that I have already seen? Would I watch a remake of 12 Angry Men? of 2001? No, of course I would not, because the originals were satisfactory. I want new ideas and new…
When will we learn that anime and live action films are two different mediums? Bleach itself, though it grew to be intolerably asinine later, was not that bad at its outset, and perhaps could make a decent film. But I cannot help but think that this and other anime adaptations are merely due to some erroneous and…
Yeah, those neighbors are jackasses for sure. A note on the Biblical text though:
It is actually 2 Thess, 2:8, and it is baffling how they managed to take it out of context and even misquote it. I have not been able to find a translation of the verse that uses the word “kill” at all, though there are so many that one…
Thank you. I read Mr. Baker’s Piece last week, and found it simply appaling. Speaking as an Oregonian, I am endlessly beset by this sessesion nonsense it seeems these days.
These people are so cowardly, so weak, that they flee at even the slightest adversity. I am glad to have my tax dollars go to help poor kids in…
For work, I prefer Carhartt Relaxed Fit Carpenter, as the hammer loops come in quite handy, and the tripple-stitched seams put them on par for durability with more expensive brands.
At home, I favor the Levi’s 517, Boot Cut. Durable, classic, and they look good.
For work, I prefer Carhartt Relaxed Fit Carpenter, as the hammer loops come in quite handy, and the tripple-stitched…
As I already explained, I used it correctly. In context: I couldn’t care less about the thimble piece, or whatever pieces are in any particular Monopoly set. I do care deeply about the history of the game, and how it is a plaigiarism, though. That should be obvious since I took the time to write the post.
Let me…