
I actually mostly agree. Though, I despise the Wii's motion control, so the Game Cube version is my favorite among the 3D Zelda games, with Link to the Past being my favorite all-time. I like Majora's Mask the best in terms of story, but the gorgeous aesthetic and smoothed-out combat (on GameCube) of TP one me over in

In order to create a US PSN account, a viable US address is needed. There are several address generators around the internet. And we at the SRM actually provided a real US address for people to use to buy PSN games: 16100 SE McLoughlin blvd, Portland OR, 97267. This is a commercial address and you can use your real

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Frogs are clearly the best plague, Jason. We all know this.

The Opera House scene is up there for Best RPG Scene Ever.

See, this is why you do not let random frat-boys play test your games. Sure, they are cheap to get, but also quite dull. This is also why I simply ignore most shooters, as the common "run-and-gun" approach taken by enemies is uninspiring and gets tedious very quickly. The turn towards "realism" in shooters should have

You are quite welcome, good sir. Kojima has never really talked about Konami's console, but Yoshitaka Murayama talked about it briefly in an interview with "Level" magazine, a Swedish gaming mag.

"Nintendo dropped the "Ultra" from its title due to Konami having a trademark on "Ultra Games." True that some of the early Konami games were released in the west under the "Ultra" banner, like the original TMNT and Metal Gear, but this is only half the story.

No. Direct X needs to be supported by hardware, so a DX12 Xone would require more than just a firmware update. Xbox One will still use its heavily modified DX 11 structure.

Man, I love John green. He is one of the coolest nerds around.

The situation is rather complex. Not just WWII, but the Korean peninsula was routinely colonized and invaded throughout the last 500 years, and even in some cases, Japanese enslaved Korean people. However, since the end of WWII, Japan's pacifist policies and modernized government have done what is possible to stay out

Well, since I never clicked on one of those ads, there is no way to know for sure, but they do have to spell Steroid with umlaut and fadas to get past FB's ad filter. So my assumption is that they are either illegal or borderline illegal anti-inflammatory drugs designed to help build muscle. So, yeah basically

Yeah, it is pretty bad. Though we are not alone, I teach Martial Arts, so I get a bunch of ads for things that say they are Steroid "Alternatives" . . . Yeah, so basically steroids, which is common among fellow males with activity-heavy jobs like mine. So, hey, at least everyone suffers almost as bad as gamers.

Hear, hear good sir.

Sideshow Bob's last name is mispronounced here. It is with a hard "G" sound, because like many other Simpsons characters he is names after a street in Portland. Terwilliger, Burns[ide], Barlow, The Flanders, Monroe, Powell, etc. Incidentally, the Terwilliger "curves" on interstate 5 are where more fatal freeway

Man, I wish I had the cash to drop on that Crucial SSD. Crucial usually makes great stuff, and their Marvell controllers are much better than the SandForce controllers that are usually used in SSDs.

Funny thing: they did not even actually explain what happened at the end of the game. Basically, in order to learn what happened, you had to find an easter egg on the DVD included with the game. That said, .Hack//g.U. was much better all-round, but was still not really worth the three-game price tag.

Easy: Final Fantasy XIII.
A bit of a story: I was in college, and my dad had just had a minor heart attack (do not worry, he is fine now). I spent much time visiting him, and most of the rest studying, but I wished for something to help me escape the stress of the whole situation. So, I bought FFXIII, in hopes it could

Moreover, this is often misunderstood by native English speakers. In Gaeilege Eire, sometimes it is more customary to use "words" for places rather than "names" for them, with names being reserved for people. So, some British scholars confuse these things and add "focal" as something of a prefix to the actual name of

In both Scots and Irish Gaelic the word -or rather, one of the many words- for "word" is Focal, literally pronounced "Fuck-l." So, This is actually why scholars discount the Scottish and Irish uses of the word, even though it may be the word's distant origin: because the meaning usually refers to a word or place-name,