
This is simply terrible. I hope that guy is all right.

Please do everyone a favor and do not just sargasm all over yourself in public anymore, it is unseemly and embarrassing.

I do not think so, but allow me to give a crash course on Korean names:

Just tell yourself that 'whatever happens, you have the Maxim gun.'

I probably agree. The PS3 Slims are quite reliable in my experience, and they also have an internal a/c power adapter. 140F may seem like a lot, but as long as the solder used was high-quality, it should not be a problem. Many gaming PCs can hit 200F and not even break a sweat, as long as quality parts are used.

The problem with both the Xbox 360 and the PS3's red ring/yellow light of death stemmed not so much from massive heat generation as shoddy soldering connecting the CPU to the socket. Also, in the case of the 360, the custom GPU/CPU bus would also overheat and damage. Sony fixed this for the PS3 slim, and it seems the

Oh, yeah, I don't really care. Why bother with minor semantics when there is this incredible, juvenile jerk trying to intimidate what I think is a pretty decent and funny YouTube channel?

Yeah no problem. 'Travesty' can be tricky as a word, but more or less in this case it refers to the twisting, distorting, or bastardizing of 'justice,' meaning YouTube's ridiculous copyright management.

There is a set duration for fair use, unless it is used under the auspices of Media Criticism, in which the duration is much longer. Which is why I told you to google that.

Just google: Fair Use Media Criticism.

Yeah, this KSI dude is not cool. On the other hand, VideoGamerTV is really funny, and I enjoy their stuff quite a bit. This is basically a travesty.

Yeah, this KSI dude is not cool. On the other hand, VideoGamerTV is really funny, and I enjoy their stuff quite a bit. This is basically a travesty.

Look, can you please stop these posts about the martial arts? Yeah, these guys may not be the best, but really, I would like to see the internet trolls on these forums do better. For the record, blocking kicks with your arms is a great way to have your arms broken, but I suppose having an arm broken in a fight is

Yeah, that is why I am not planning on buying a PS4. I do about 75% of my gaming on PC, and use my PS3 only for exclusives and the PSN Classics, because this whole generation was pretty much a wash in terms of quality.

Honestly, this isn't that impressive. I have built faster PCs for physics calculations at my university. Also, by utilizing custom cases and professional video cards, we were able to negate the need for water cooling.

I do not think they do. Really, I never needed an "achievement" to get everything in games that I loved before they were invented. Incentive to complete the game should come organically from within the game-world, not externally. In reality, it does not add challenge so much as a set of arbitrary goal posts, often at

Thank you good sir, I concur and would like to add that they can also ruin storytelling and immersion. For example, Silent Hill HD, when it was released had no option to turn off the achievements for PS3, and thus basically crowded their way into the game-world in a very obtrusive manner. Which, made a bad port even

You could not until about 6 moths ago on PS3. I still remember the asinine messages ruining game immersion and storytelling.

I despise achievements, in any event. Why on earth anyone thought they were a good idea is beyond me. I am so glad that the PS3 now -after years of complaining- allows us to shut them out of the game. Let's hope MS allows this in the XB1.

The high-waste skirt and her thrown back shoulders create something of an illusion. Also females have tilted pelvic bones. From this angle, the bone is effectively tilted clockwise. There are many theories about the pelvic tilt, but many think it was developed to help women protect their reproductive organs in falls,