The French went to a lot of effort to deny the Argentines further access to Exocets than the ones they had already procured. The French also gave the English all necessary information on the Exocet's codes and homing radar.
your trolling are skills are as weak as your fanboi skills are strong.
Realistically though, if you're running a small to mid-size ghost extermination business and need to haul around that many people with that much heavy gear...
You mean that Ford styled this truck to look like the people who actually buy it want it to? Those BASTARDS!
I (pick up truck owner) always thought of pick up aerodynamics like this.
i keep reading that as the "duct tape"
OK, I've tried explaining this several times to the less engineering oriented who comment here, but here we go again:
Some of us Jalops like things that go fast and shit, and not just cars.
You sound like a weird telegraph:
With this particular jet the windows kepst blowing out during flight due to metal fatigue. I believe it's the early version of the DeHaviland Comet, on which the passenger windows were perfectly square; those sharp corners were prone to metal fatigue, which wasn't well understood at that point.
All my cars always start with a single, 3D block draw to a perspective (from vanishing point(s)). Then the wheels come in (ovular in shape) in their appropriate location and size (again, to perspective). Then I detail internally, starting from the parts that would be closest to the "camera." and moving back. …
At least in the south they do this in a muddy field.
The Miura....always the Miura. Sexy trumps brashness every time.
As the Navy guys would probably say, the AF pilots wear gloves because they match their purses.
Supposedly the world's largest democracy is RHD, but anybody who has been to India will tell you that they drive on whatever damned side of the road they please.
The Wraith
While not a car movie, Dazed and Confused had some seriously great iron in it. Dat '72 Cheyenne.
You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!