I don't know about the ping pong screen but how sweet does that Fiat look!!!!
I don't know about the ping pong screen but how sweet does that Fiat look!!!!
I had a lady try to back up on one of our traffic circles after she missed her exit. She stopped and put it in reverse. I refused to move and when she poked her head out I "politely" informed her it was an F**ing circle and that if she keep going her exit would come around again! I hate tourists!
Well, Honestly in my youth I was a spitting, cursing, hellion.
Fifty here, I try not to get to excited.
I think I may have more years then you. I rarely ride with my wife anymore. (see Blood Boiling) But like water off a ducks back, I just let it role now. I find it better for my health.
Son...you have issues.
I can understand that. Most of the time, on I-95 at least, those stretches are few and far between. It seems there is an entrance or exit every few miles and then all the weigh stations and inspections for the poor truckers! What annoys me are the "I'm a great driver, lets see how many lane changes I can perform"…
Funny, I travel I-95 with some regularity, and I have found A-T Eli Manning to be correct. I can travel and maintain my average speed of around Eighty, with relative ease, by using the center lane. On the other hand I do pass a steady stream of cars and trucks to my right. If there is slower traffic in front of me I…
Loved it but what is the "NO DRIFTING" sign? It looks like he is pulling the tabs ,so a training aid?
Yeah....uhmmmm if the Judge is just batshit stupid, maybe, but most likely not.
Yes I have and no it was not impossible to hear. I have been to both the V-10 races and V-8 and they were both aurally stunning. (V-10 more so). So much so that in Indy we were actually given thrills just by the sound of them practicing, just the sound of them! I doubt that would happen here.
"Gundam Toyota" is something my redneck Friends say as we pass a Tundra in their F-150.
Well at least you could hear all the crunching and banging and squeals since there was no engine noise.
Yeah Mom's arm was my restraint. Could not drive without them now! I would feel naked! Without seat belts that is!
LOVE Kimi, but good conversation he does not!
Monosyllabic mumbling? Cool dialogue?
We used to shove them into the seat crease so we did not have to sit on them!
With six kids my mothers options were limited, thank goodness seat belts were just optional at the time!
Yeah, thought of that, or maybe a subtle dig at Ferrari. Since it is American now! :/
Thank god! I was thinking Aliens!