Maybe you should HAVE studied English instead of playing games.
No word yet on a Western release.
I’m not even at 2.4% because it still don’t work right!
Agreed. When healthcare becomes a popularity contest (“Honey? Come look at these four sick people on Indiegogo. Help me decide which one should live.”) a society has really hit rock bottom.
By all means “Fuck cancer”.
I realize how boring I am cause when I found the rifle I was like, “meh, crafting ammo, thats waaaaaaaaay too much effort” and then sold it.
Siri 0.0.1 alpha test 1
When I crouch in a game like Fallout: New Vegas, I just assume it’s because somewhere in my Courier’s past, he was a baseball catcher, and the accumulation of knee injuries just made it hurt like hell for him to move any other way.
Is this how the Joker got his scars?
A spork? That is a Knork, with a spoon handle. A “cheat splayd” if you will.
...damn it internet, what have you done to me?!
I went quasi-minimal after a move for a while... “bed” was a rather nice queen-sized air mattress perched on top of nine 33(?) gallon totes full of stuff, and two of the large sterilite plastic 3-drawer units with a melamine-coated board across the top served to hold various things. Finish out with a $40 computer desk…
What?! You think I’m made of money to get some fancy pants technology like this when I come with fingers attached?
It’s another reason I still think Morrowind is the best game Bethesda has done. You can’t fast travel whenever you want. There are ports you can fast travel to from other ports around the map, the Mage’s Guild can teleport you to other Mage’s Guilds, and a set of spells called Mark and Recall that allow you to mark…
You could say that about a lot of movies these days. There’s a limit to what practical effects can do.
My buddy and I used to play Morrowind religiously. I used to steal things based on a formula of value/weight, so usually I was just grabbing jewelry , potions and the occasional weapon. My buddy would indiscriminately take everything. Coasters, spoons, whatever. He would then make repeated trips to schlep all of this…
You seem triggered