Zelda did it!

It’s easy to remember long strings of numbers. For someone who has a passcode THAT long I think it’s a good assumption that he’s a geek. So he uses (without seeing what he’s ACTUALLY using):

Hopefully Gungan blood. Specifically Jar Jar blood. Hopefully they cloned Jar Jar..and as soon as he is “born” they kill him and use his blood for flamethrower fuel...wait, what? What happened? I blacked out.

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru would disagree with you. ;)

Remember that Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were burned corpses in A New Hope, and it was never explained how. No one else burned up from blaster fire.

Fire is a weapon that causes so much terror in the target it make so much sense for the Empire to use it.

I think that flamethrower would be better at destroying a village than lasers or metal jackets.

Maybe? Cause fire is still fire. The laser weapons still cause burns, and things still explode in this fancy universe. You can’t really make fire more fire. Its super destructive even for being a low tech weapon.

I kinda miss Nintendo making fucshia consoles. I have the clear/fucshia GBA and no one ever made any attempts to steal that thing.

As a media site that mainly thrives on making fun of other media sites.... you guys should probably not green light any more of these lame and unoriginal bits.

That sounds cool but I doubt that’s what they are going for, it’s right in the title, Wild, and what you described is more the beginning of civilization.

Ive been wanting something like this for a loooong time, hell it was one of the reasons I got hyped for Spore until they dumbed it down

It’s about 1,000 odd miles or so, but I have a family friend that lives in her city so it wouldn’t be that much of a problem to visit. But yeah, still costs though.

For screenshots you don’t even really need anything special...you can just go to the miiverse while the game is running to post a screenshot. Those screenshots can be readily accessed on PC by logging into Miiverse online.

But they could also get a video capture kit installed so they could record direct video as well.

I always find aiming to be a lot less intuitive in TPS. I think there’s a tradeoff.

I’m actually on my third playthrough (heavy boredom, not much to do until FO4 comes out) and I started to wonder. Whenever I’d come across a sherpa or a bunch of people just hanging out around a campfire, within SECONDS - a minute tops - there would always be a tiger or a rhino or an eagle ready to murder all of them.

That’s correct, but it really further serves into the confusion. The -kun suffix is an informal familiar/affectionate, but OF that person. Kinopio and Kinopio-kun in normal contexts would refer to the same character, depending on the speaker; but here for strange reasons refer to two completely different ones.

Quite charming, actually. This is what that stupid game Heroes of Ruin should have been. I only have one problem....I have 3 active friends that I play multiplayer with. Someone’s getting left out. I know that can’t be me since I’m the only dark-skinned one in the group. I’ll just pull the race card.(joking). Really

...A ten dollar price drop...

I feel like whenever a blog needs to generate action, it can just run an article about tipping servers or reclining airplane seats.