Zelda did it!

It’s like this other company has started doing as well, Gawker something.

We could also chill the fuck down about the n-word. Black rappers use it all the time... “They’re allowed when they’re black” is the worst argument possible. Why should they be allowed? I am not allowed to hate on foreigners in Denmark, even though I’m a foreigner myself, right?

What an idiot, everyone knows you switch gears by removing the system32 folder...

What about Europe?

Shouldn’t War Thunder be played with the Dunkirk OST?

I think you mean quantities, not qualities.

The Chinese replica-companies are very thankful!

I really liked the No More Heroes logo in Stranger Things’ style.

He doesn’t have the beard for it though.

My GF and I do NOT understand why people are still moving to Midsomer... Of course, there are a lot of empty houses, because of, well, murder, but COME ON!

Do they have Bluetooth? Or do they work with the Zigbee protocol?

They should sell those with the games pre-installed.

Difficult means it’s not impossible. Challenge accepted!

Please world, if you have not picked up on this by now, know that this is not real outrage.

Good to see Tom Cruise’s twin brother is getting some time in the spotlight now.

I think it’s cool that people remake those games (even though any game developer has recently started remaking all their old games, including probably this one), but why do these people not use their time and energy on making a spiritual successor?

Genitals don’t change? Wow, a Werewolf with human genitals, that just looks hilarious.

I’m a gender-fluid dwarven wizard, so yea. It’s amazing when I have to roll for a sex change in the middle of a city, to see if I can charm a guard.

I learned to play that game with one hand on the Gamecube, when I had hurt the other. Really played it a lot, the worlds were enormous (though not that lively).