Zelda did it!

What is this, 1999?

Modder Eutirion originally created this ode to the gods of grind to assist with a no-fast-travel playthrough of the game

Until season 2.

Does it have to recharge the remaining 7 times as well? I tried this, but it didn’t work.

Well, imagine being 8 and not up-to-date with politics!

If you think that wind seems over the top, come to Denmark! My city is known for offering head-wind, no matter what direction you bike :D

Just add the following line to Adblock Customizer:

Hey guys, how about you just stop implementing that shit on your pages? Because Gawker is one of the biggest websites I know, that implements Taboola etc.


No link to the game?

The Porygon episode was banned long before the previous remaster (2012), and clearly, the shocks were still much more flashy in the 2012 remaster.

Seems like they mostly toned down the colors and the amount of flashing whenever Pikachu gets PMS.

So, can one drive through anyway, just like in real life? Or is that blockage just an invisible wall?

Nah, IGN would write:

I always think it’s amazing when I hear an American documentary talking about “the oldest building in this city is over 200 years old!”.

It’s planted rice... or some other crop.

Terribly awesome!

He nailed it pretty well, not cringe worthy at all!

If you have a few stories a day about a few cops being “bad apples,” then after a while, it ceases to be a “bad apples” situation and becomes systemic.

Still waiting for a Macbook where you can just put your iPhone in a slot, where it’ll work as a touch pad and screen.