Whatever boy pulled this off is currently (deservedly) the most popular kid in his frat house.
Whatever boy pulled this off is currently (deservedly) the most popular kid in his frat house.
Mike Hunt agrees.
Donald doesn’t leave the seat up. He never raises it and just pees all over it.
Good information on dependency there, probably some suggestions I would do well to follow myself :)
Their ratings will be highest if it seems like a horse race, which requires that they fluff the republican candidates.
Those wealthy motherfuckers at CNN might be in the tank for the party that has the back of the wealthy??
Hey if that’s the culture of left wing acceptance, I’ll gladly sign on, since the culture of right wing acceptance is to let in all the xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted jackasses and give them the reins to the party.
So its ok for trump to bash people about their name (Jon stewart) but doing so in mind is some kind of intolerance? Fuck off.
It’s okay to make fun of a person who campaigns on a racist, misogynistic, and bigoted platform. Making fun of his name is probably the most innocent joke you could make about such a worthless human being. It’s funny to see people like yourself so defensive about protecting their hatemonger though. “The left is such…
You really don’t understand where this all came from do you? The only reason people make fun of his name is to emphasize his hypocrisy from when he made fun of John Stewart for change his last name. Here are some quotes from Trump about it.
Ah yes, the “I make everything I don’t like into a sweeping political statement” guy. We were wondering when you’d be joining us.
The only way you could construe that as making fun of someone is that if you felt that there was something wrong with the name Drumpf. The funny part is where people as xenophobic as Trump or his followers wouldn’t find it amusing to refer to a name that alludes to his family being immigrants at some point in time. I…
Whereas the culture of right wing acceptance is ... there is not a culture of right wing acceptance ....
This is the United States. What you think about cultural appropriation is irrelevant. If this guy wants to wear dreads, he should be able to wear dreads and not get verbally or physically assaulted by anybody, no matter how offended they are. And no matter how stupid the dreads look, which in my opinion is that they…
C’mon. That’s like saying overweight women shouldn’t wear miniskirts.
In which we all are the black guy who takes one look at what’s going on, and then nopes the fuck out of there.
White guys in dreads surely do look stupid, but there is no excuse for her behavior, none. Especially once she starts assaulting him.
I want Starship Troopers styled propaganda videos. Would you like to know more?
Was there, not nearly as fun as they make it out to be. Tidi is the worst