I assume we’ll now hear dozens of conservative free speech crusaders defending the bar’s right to do business with whoever they like, right?
I assume we’ll now hear dozens of conservative free speech crusaders defending the bar’s right to do business with whoever they like, right?
Just goes to show how it’s way easier to accuse a woman of being unreasonable than to ever challenge a man on any action ever. But also, women should go directly to the authorities if anything ever happens to them, and if they don’t then it probably didn’t happen the way they say it did. /s
I have to admit when your boyfriend protested “he asked us not to tell her!” my jaw dropped. How far does fucking Bro Code go??????
A congeniality of contestants
Sooooooooo rather than stepping down, they doubled down and demanded apologies from the accusers...and then proceeded to bully everyone who accused them while claiming to be the REAL victims.
Or at least try and devote energy to getting Kanye to do the same. The empowerment-through-nudity schtick starts looking thin when your husband cozies up to the groper-in-chief.
Yup. Thousands of people signed up to vote because of Taylor. Meanwhile, Kim’s mad because her husband has turned into a Trumpy porn-obsessed weirdo who tweets about bringing back slavery and complains about her clothes while going on TV dressed as a giant water bottle. Oh, who made a weird music video featuring a…
Nope, he wasn’t a smuggler. He’d just sit there under the blanket looking sad (I assume) until someone took pity on him.
I had a dog that would run into a glass door, look confused, back up further to get a longer running start, and run into it AGAIN.
I mean, this actually makes it more understandable from his point of view, though.
The siren song of the challenged narcissist:
Guys, call me crazy but I’m beginning to think this Kavanaugh guy might not be on the up and up...
For what it’s worth, I brought a kale Caesar to the last BBQ I attended, and it was a smash hit. Turns out most of the people there really did want some tasty, garlicky greens to contrast with the rest of the meat fest. I gave the recipe out to five different requesters.
Yeah, especially as I sort of remember that when Jr. and his ex met, Jr. was no fan of his father. He probably talked a great game about how his fathers awful behavior scarred him, and how he’d never want to treat his family the same way.
I refuse to believe it’s anything other than an elaborate troll to see if they can get people to try it. MAYBE tempura shrimp - but sautéed shrimp tail shell? No. Fake news. Call me a shrimp truther if you will.
Please please please tell me they didn’t serve you “BBQ Shrimp” with a thick, sweet, ketchup-based BBQ sauce 🤢
Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry. I’m so glad you’re away, and I hope you’re in a safer place now. Eff him and his sad feelings.
God, that last one. “What boy doesn’t rape a lil but in high school?”