Confirmation bias, incarnate.
Confirmation bias, incarnate.
The reason Canada did so well is we SECRETLY bail out our banks. In fact, Scotia and one other (maybe BMO) got paid more then they were worth at the time. It became public around 2010. Look it up. We’re sneaky sneaky, and that put us in a good position.
Misrepresenting your worth, lying about the value of your investments, and debt overextension are all illegal. You sure you know what you’re talking about? Last I checked most of the bankers didn’t go to jail because they paid out huge cash settlements.
You sure? You sure everybody? You sure 200 is enough? Wouldn’t want it to be woefully underpowered. Not able to outrun a Miata.
China is holding a ton of us cash, about 1 trillion. It’s been known they have been stockpiling it for about 13 years. It is a serious problem, and is well known.
He’s not referring to debt, China is holding a massive amount of raw, American cash (last told around 1 trillion) that it keeps from the market to suppress the price of goods and services.
If the government demonized excess (as in fuel consumption, vehicle weight, or even just general consumer excess) it too would become unpopular over time.
Great point. What’s a pack of cigarettes cost in the US compared to 10 years ago? Did people not like cigarettes? Is what was once an unpopular move now considered a correct, progressive, even popular move?
Brilliant, school me on semantics to avoid making a real point. Just say it would be unpopular next time instead of unpopular with a particular group that would include everyone, you redundant fuck.
....... Yes? Do you know China is holding over 1 trillion US in cash, and is withholding from the market. It does it to suppress the cost of goods there. It is also the ultimate economic atomic bomb, if they dump it the US market will fail, creating a depression.
Sadly true, and damn good point.
Not ethical or moral dosn’t mean illegal. Take a business accounting class and be amazed at how much time is spent learning how to re-classify expenses in order to reduce taxes, it is literally the way business is done.
I think you’re making some far-reaching assumptions based on your own bias and personal views. I havnt seen any stats on what people drive vs. who they voted for.
Venezuela’s problems mainly stem from corruption, not poor trade deals.
I hope you realize a person can make a ton of money by going bankrupt. Seems counterintuitive, but it absolutely happens all the time.
I read about one of his “wrecked deals”, Trump airlines. If I’m not mistaken, he walked away with about 200 million that he didn’t have previously.
You do realize that Canada taxes and tarriffs all imported goods, right? To keep local labour and products competitive. That means that on average a car is $5000 more, in US dollars, in Canada. It’s actually worth it to buy new in the US and drive back, saves 5-10k. And consider our wages are about the same,…
Except Germany? They were among the first to persecute VW for its actions.
We got a materials engineer over here boys! He’s summarised material selection so obviously it’s clear the next step, all truck frames should now be made out of urethane!
Surprisingly fitting allusion.