
I would like to know who says that Obi-Wan’s prime was when he was 60. Prime Obi-Wan was ROTS. After that he went into exile where he couldn’t do major training as it would risk exposing himself and Luke. Yes, he began training with Qui-Gon’s force ghost to master the same power but, his overall force ability and

this ending, with all due respect, would have been stupid as it has already been alluded to last film

No it wasn’t, but that hardly matters. Specifics differ from state-to-state, but schools absolutely have the right (legally) to discipline students for behavior that happens outside of school or when school is not in session. We’re talking about a picture of a one of their students in full-on blackface and afro wig

No, wearing blackface isn’t a crime. But it’s worth while for the cops to know who are the racist dumbfucks in the community, so they know where to start when the swastika graffiti shows up.  

I think ACA is popular in a lot of red states, they just don’t like Obamacare and will never recognize or admit that they’re the same damn thing.

It was the coroner’s office.

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

Pointing out that you should be really careful about taking nude photos in this age isn’t really victim blaming, it’s just true.

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

It would seem that, at least since the days of Empire Strikes Back, freezing sentient beings in Carbonite has become a lot less experimental.

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

Sticking to sports is a recipe for boring, low traffic articles.

the thing that most powerful people want to do with power is use it to tell other people to shut up 

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Champions League semifinalists Ajax?

I’m pretty much always going to side with the employee who possesses the injury over the employer when it comes to determining whether or not the injury was preexisting. Particularly in a sport where everyone is mangled all the time.

So let me get this straight. The Jets would have rather played an injured player who can’t give 100% than a healthy player at 100%.

The ghosts Sam Darnold saw were players the Jets were trying to kill.

Good god, number 3 all day long. You can’t send Matt Gaetz to DC and then blame DC for Matt Gaetz. We didn’t want him here, you did. He’s YOUR melanoma.

On behalf of all the Nationals fans and the residents of the District of Columbia, I invite you to kick rocks, you bitter, angry hack.