
almost got recast as Oracle

Me, actually. I assumed that because Brown had publicly embarrassed him by sending those texts, Belichick would have been the first to make a Call to Some Guys

Is there a single person out there that is surprised that Belichick wanted to keep Brown? Even one?

This story is bigger in Central Iowa today than the impeachment story. I’m not even fucking kidding.

Yeah, for comparison’s sake, here are the youth smoking numbers up until Juul became popular and sent it back upward again. If you went to high school in the ‘90s or ‘00s, you probably have an unrealistic conception of how many high schoolers smoke cigarettes these days. It had fallen off a ton.

The problem is vapes being directly targeted to children to get them addicted. Are ya’ll really all this obtuse? 

Vaping companies are selling nicotine. They are either owned or being highly supported by Big Tobacco. 

The youth tobacco use rate has been on a downward trend for decades, until e-cigarettes became common. It increased by about 40% between 2017 and 2018.

I have been Juuling for years . . . Common sense would dictate that if vaping were so dangerous that we all need to stop vaping immediately, that people would have fallen sick before this summer.”

This. Every article about vaping is filled with vape supporters claiming that vaping is somehow anti-big tobacco. All the major vaping companies are owned by cigarette giants who now have a way to get back into the under 18 market.

I respect that vapes are helpful for people quitting smoking, but maybe think about the amount of high schoolers and middle schoolers that are now addicted to nicotine?

Adults can choose.

The only point that matters is that vaping has increased youth tobacco use exponentially from near-zero levels just a few years ago. That adults now find it harder to purchase a product that will ultimately kill them doesn’t bother me too much and it shouldn’t bother you either. You made the dumb choice to start

I don’t want to see this movie because every Joker origin is dumb. Any attempt to humanize him undermines his status as an elemental force of nature. A mythical embodiment of cruelty and chaos.

We’re talking about whether or not a movie should be held responsible for inciting violence.

For fuck’s sake. Asking questions about whether or not a creative work was a good idea to make is not the same as demanding it be censored.

Defensive holding is also an automatic first down, which can be devastating.

Yeah, except only one of those ways is a result of misogyny and racism.

In the grand tradition of all humanity I will continue to judge foods I haven’t tasted, books I haven’t read, music I haven’t heard and movies I’ve never seen!

Hooray for the mentally ill loner who devises a plan to kill as many innocent people as possible as an act of revenge for perceived slights from the “normies”...