
So you’re going with, “I’m not a MAGA I just support the MAGAs!”

So that’s a NO you can’t supply video of the girls harassing anyone.

“Other areas where California excelled include GDP growth (No. 6), startup activity (No. 6) and government surplus and deficit per capita (No. 6).”

Counter point - California has the 4th best economy in the nation, and is the 5th largest on the planet.

The sequel to Blacula is far superior.

Lebron isn’t there, his name is just on the show.

Thanksfully she lives in a sane country so she doesn’t have an AR ready to go.

Awesome. Another person justifying abuse and illegal activity because the perp was a gay man.

Legally? FUCK yes.

So it’s cool to be racist to people you don’t like? Is that what we’re going with?

Oh it’s evidence, it’s just not evidence that will lead to a conviction.

The rumors were that he liked YOUNG guys. Is that predatory? Maybe, maybe not.

I mean he’s admitted in interviews that he grabbed me by their cock against their will. That’s a crime he’s admitting to. You’ll still like him though despite claiming you want proof. He’s admitted it, THAT is the proof. Now stop pretending you’re objective, you’re not.

You’re really this obtuse aren’t you? Holy crap how do you make it through any day?

You’re outting yourself as a douche bag.

No, it’s her rewatching the 12 eps of Firefly.

If you’re to the left of Elizabeth Warren, then I’m the Queen of England.

She clearly didn’t care, but please keep on caring for other people.

Everyone is dying, however only you are a douche bag.

Those who refuse to answer point blank questions, then call others trolls.