
I guess this is too hard for mouth breathers.

Ohhh, so you’re a liar. Got it.

Meryl Streep is a pop diva? Who knew?

You think Infinity War is as adult as The Punisher?


If she believes that why won’t she say it? (we all know why)

One of three things are true...

Awww someone’s too poor to come up with 4 dollars.

Hotels are moving away from the DND for days being a thing.

When they see your piece of shit car they arleady know they’re not getting a tip...

In your heart you know you’re a duchebag, it’s why you’re pushing back.,

You realize what people are doing to your food and hotel rooms right? LOL

If you’re in the Bay Area you should still appreciate the punking of Washington.

This won the award for hottest take among 6th graders...

The JV basketball team of a team that already doesn’t give scholarships?

The hottest of hot Halloween takes.

For fuck’s sake, next time just admit you either didn’t read or didn’t understand the article. We’re all now much dumber for reading your uneducated nonsense.

Are you paid by Lebron? Why else would someone attack a poster?

Wow you’re this dumb huh?

People of LA will go wherever the big event is.