
That’s the policy of the airline, NOT FEDERAL LAW as the employee claimed. So I’m sure your point other than to lick the boots of big corporations.

The employee said this policy is FEDERAL LAW.

You think it’s common to be scared of Muslims?

It was falling off before the netflix season, Season 3 wasn’t up to the standard set in seasons 1 and 2.

Right now? at age 40+?

So you couldn’t dunk, and the fact you couldn’t dunk makes you think others can? Sure!

We’re talking DC here, there’s money to be made?

If Duff lives in a smoking building she’s 100% the asshole here.

“a person’s body is primed to look for threats naturally, and if no real ones exist, your brain *makes them up*.”

Basic steps women take to not get murdered sound weird to you?

You doth protest too much, what’s in YOUR background?

You’re going to be disappointed, he most definitely IS this dumb.

I assume they’ll be doing the same thing for Aerosmith?

Why do people think Football should still exist?

This is your take from this article? Men’s right activist or just plain asshole?

That is a VERY different opinion than no one like any Queen songs.

Yes, it’s exactly like a double rundown except NO ONE is in a rundown.

You got facts yet you’re still ranting, meaning your CLEARLY didn’t want facts, you wanted to rant.

Just like Batman doesn’t right? heh