
Deviant behavior also runs in families and rich are no less likely to commit crimes. At least the kid will be able to afford attorneys!

How is this ruining their lives? They’re still on the team, not suspended from school or the team. Them being embarrassed isn’t actually punishment nor is it ruining their lives.

For being clueless? So you don’t think she knew what a swastika was? THAT is your argument? FFS.

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You don’t feel the same way because you’re not socially awkward like the author of the post.

Troll on idiot troll.

Sending hoards of his idiot followers (like you apparently) after women online is a rampage. You’re an idiot. You lost an arguement and shouted “racist”. You’re pathetic.

But it is acceptable to attack women, got it. Bad take.

LOL wait....

So you come here to whine like a child, get called on it, then repeat insults others said to you back?

Because he’s mentally ill or a troll, he can pick which for himself.

The questions aren’t insensitive, the gay question is quite literally ILLEGAL. Cool hot take though idiot.

“It’s a nice idea. But I’m skeptical that education will be effective in dissuading people”

Wow you have no idea how unions work, but given your rants up and down this story no one is surprised.

I certainly hope you’re at least paid to spout of Russian bullshit.

How many rubles did this post cost?

How many rubles did this post cost?

This is a DAMN good question, but you’re in the greys like me so I hope they even see it.

So she’s a fraud like Lisa Bloom. Unsurprising. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Nah, he identifies as a douche-bag.