
What will u do with all the stars from your hot take lol

You know this based on your work as a top director?

He roofied himself, hit his head on a step, and still showed up to practice the next day!

A+ comment, they didn’t even reply.

You know absolutely nothing about opening round matches, yet you commented anyway to defend a potentially racist comment.

“The movie and cast don’t deserve this.”

LOL you think he knows how facts work? Iowa is Mississippi that gets snow.

Well they want more victims to come forward, so posting his picture is literally the correct thing to do. But please keep spouting your BS.

What were police supposed to do?

I’m guessing if you ever touched a boob you didn’t pay for you wouldn’t care in the SLIGHTEST about this. It’s okay, someday if you stop acting like an entitled child, a woman might actually talk to you without you paying her :)

So “time’s up” unless my BIL is an assaulter, then the women are liars.

Where is Magic Johnson on this?

Why yes, yes there is.

Nearly every hotel has laundry facilities for guests.

It’s not broke, your comment just wasn’t funny or original. That’s why no one responded other than the ONE person of many who had the comment go over their head.

Netflix green lights a TON of crap, what are you talking about? How many Netflix shows do you think there are even? There are DOZENS and most of them are crap.

It’s ONE of the SEVERAL metrics that are useful. You trying to make it the only metric is a logical fallacy. But I assume you’re smart enough to know that. Probably my mistake.

Wow your recommendations are totally balls then. Are you really to lazy to click a button?

If you didn’t vote against Trump, you’re a Trump supporter.

What has Trump done for the Opioid crisis? Nothing.