
“Think of how much more interesting cycling would be if they were all juiced out of their minds?”

You provide ZERO examples, this is a F- college thesis.

Law enforcement investigates work-place sexual harassment?

At least the troll doesn’t double post articles.

Meh, not funny, not creative, this gets a D- Trolling/Satire rating. Do better next time unless this is as good as you can do... if it is please find something better to do.

You’re replying to someone that either didn’t read what you wrote, or read it, didn’t lie it, so they ignored your point and ranted.

Did you ignore the point, or....

The Astros owner has donated MILLIONS dumbass.

You think he put up money for an Amazon show? You don’t honestly believe that do you? Cause that’s.... not bright.

So are you a troll, 8 years old, or a stupid?

You’re not being vulgar, but you’re stating things that are blatantly untrue. They were being nice in their comments. People like yourself that lie to cover for bigoted sexual assaulters are as disgusting, if not more so, than the people committing the acts because you give them cover to do so.

So by acting like a massive asshole you’re trying to HELP him?

Twice as many people watch Hockey on TV....

Profitable by several hundred million dollars, aka a “hit”.

She attacked a woman that was genitally mutilated and I’m supposed to feel anything for this woman other than scorn? Sorry, you can write as many of these posts as you want, she’s disgusting.

Kris is this you?

Even your fellow Marvel nerds on this thread don’t seem to agree with you about AoS, so you certainly have to understand why a critic with no dog in this fight wouldn’t agree?

Everyone that’s not a Marvel fanboy or fangirl stopped well before Season 1 was over. It was an unwatchable mess. Why stick around?

It’s explained in the article you claim to have read.

“Wouldn’t lifting boxes necessitate leg protection?”