
So this Cuban guy is White now?

Stop watching this clown show, it’s liberating.

You think Guardians was a perfect movie?

I hope you’re ready to do that to a LOT of poeple.

Fuck off victim blaming troll.

Are you illiterate, or just REALLY fucking stupid?

It’s meant to make her look dumb because she doesn’t research.

Ripping something off beat for beat isn’t parody. Seriously, Google the damn word you sound extremely uneducated.

Because he starred in the sketch?

Dozen plus replies, you’re the ONLY one saying this. To each their own but you’re in a really small majority here.

The artist himself says the EXACT opposite thing. So are you massively uninformed, or just a liar?

“Airlines overbook to prevent losses in case passengers don’t show up to flights.”

Obama went golfing 333 times, 41 times a year in office.

It proves it was popular outside of STL prior to being popular there, it proves EXACTLY what he says it does. Is there lead in the water of Missouri that makes following logic tough?

You mean a magazine writing well informed pieces of journalism?

“I do not blame Kendall for taking that money, though.”

9%? That’s cute,

You just proved you’re a liar, are you too dumb to get that? Or do you not pay attention to what you type? You said over 10 years. This is false. Until you admit that why should anyone listen to your worthless lie telling ass?

He in NO way has the athleticism to play man to man D at the next level. He didn’t have the athleticism to do it in college against decent competition, UCLA plays a TON of zone.

Never mind.... you ARE this dumb.