
Okay you didn’t read her post, she raised money at the event too.

So.... making fun of people superior to you in EVERY way makes your life seem less pathetic?

Yes, why would students at the Univesity of “K”ansas be throwing up a K?

Public school, if you’re going to throw them out include a check cause they’ll win the coming lawsuit.

It’s not surprising, there’s lots of bad attorneys out there.

But they know HER. She’s not a stranger to THEM. Do you honestly not get that or are you just being argumentative to stick to your failing point.

Well I’m sure they’ll read the book now after your bitchy comment. Jeez.

Where do they teach this in schools?

“I was taught there’s a certain standard to work with on how much of a bias with writing (creative, journalism, blogging, etc.)“

Again, who told you this was journalism?

The problem is that Harley would find that funny, not sad.

Plus Noah’s bad jokes weren’t a distraction, he’s a COMEDIAN, they were very topical to his job.

His legal opinions are as dumb as his scientific ones....

Wow your legal opinions are less informed than your science opinions.

How about the text books of advanced college courses, they ALL agree you’re an idiot.

They were investigated, he’s even on tape speaking with one of the victims. Also there are witnesses. It’s almost like you have clue what you’re talking about... alomst, heh.

There were witnesses, she’s not only calling the victim a liar, she’s calling the witnesses liars too.

He can make more money in track and not be brain dead at 35...

“They already have 55 electoral votes that go to the Democrats practically every time.” So your issue is only with Democrats, not the system? Got it, people please stop listening to this person, they’re not having an adult conversation.

“It existed as a way for small states to not be ruled by the tyranny of the majority”