
Looking at Cicotte in that footage, I wouldn't be surprised if an enhancement showed him taking a smoke break as he wandered around the mound mid-play.

Suey Park can now be cited as an example in the Wikipedia entry for "useful idiot."

His style is consistent, which isn't a quality to be discounted when it comes to unimaginative stylists and magazine editors.

It also appeals to nostalgia for the coked-up, over-slick, worst aspects of the 1980s — a quality that also cannot be discounted when it comes to the same group mentioned above.

It's a more formal arrangement between the parents and selected paps or staff photogs for PR purposes — still kind of gross, but better than the pack of camera-toting foul-mouthed howler monkeys in black graphic tees who invade the park unannounced and scare everyone's kids.

How about we don't watch it at all? Sure, watch your favourite events, check out the fantastic athletes who've trained their whole lives for this. But the lowest-rated opening ceremony ever might send a message to NBC/BBC/CBC/etc, the IOC and Putin that all the spectacle in the world isn't enough to cover up the

The Russians just knows the culinary secret the rest of the Coca Cola dominated world never learned: everything goes better in ass.

They put in a lot of loving attention to detail on that thing. Look at the veins. Those pro-Putin youth camps must be quite interesting.

Thanks for the link. My tween niece is starting to go through body-image issues and I've been looking for resources for her parents to use.

The pre-Photoshop images are beside the point. Everyone knows that just about every photo in Vogue (including those in the ads) are Shooped six ways from Sunday. Everyone also knows what Dunham's real body looks like, crappy tats and all.

No, if you want to make it about something, make it about Little Miss "If you are

George Zimmerman probably wants it as well. He'll only use it once on Christmas Day before it's confiscated by the cops in his latest, soon-to-be-dismissed domestic violence case.

I'm geeky looking enough (and white enough — that helps) that I go into full goofball absent-minded professor mode with law enforcement. Very polite and co-operative (unless he's asking me to give up my rights), hands on the wheel, but clumsy and verbose enough during the interaction to make them want to send me on my

So you know what? You wait for the dog. Yeah, it's a hassle, but your day is already ruined.

It's game theory. You either have nothing to hide in the car (A), or you do (B). You either consent to a warrantless search (1), or you don't (2). Here are the scenarios:

A-1: You win (guaranteed), lazy cops win (guaranteed),

Those Blazers are some cold-blooded mo-fos.

I hope a small part of that amount was raised by the scrap-metal value of Paterno's statue.

Awful. I love the tough guys who stand by and support their thuggish fellow club members by sitting on their bikes and revving their engines. I'm starting to think that you need to take a written test and meet a minimum standard of f*ckwittery to get into this biker club.

If this wasn't lesson enough to get them to reconsider their attitude toward conferring privilege upon and fostering a sense of entitlement in a bunch of high school athletes, I don't know what will be.

Public high schools this obsessed with athletics (sadly, Steubenville is not unique) should be required to issue a special alternate diploma to "students" who don't attend class or do assignments. Call it an "Athletic Diploma" or some such, and let the kids and their parents pursue their delusional dreams of stardom


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