Just make sure to use an older version. I think Nick removed support for Google Reader sync in the final pro version he just released for free (though you should donate something to him).
Just make sure to use an older version. I think Nick removed support for Google Reader sync in the final pro version he just released for free (though you should donate something to him).
Updating my comment from several months ago, Google Takeout is still only exporting a tiny number of my 6 years' worth of starred items as of yesterday, so I've given up on them. Feedly imported a bit more, but only going back to January 25th of this year. I continue to back-up offline using FeedDemon (which I haven't…
"Occupy Paris" protestors would more likely fit that description than people like this who are fighting to restrict freedoms.
Those French priests really go the extra kilometer to get shirtless young Catholic men out in the public eye, don't they?
Try FeedDemon for the starred comments. It doesn't get everything, but I got about 80% of my starred items.
After 6 years and 10k+ starred articles that I search through regularly, you better believe people and change don't mix. I like and use Google's products, but the way they handled the sundowning of Reader has made me more cautious about which of their products I'll commit to using on a daily basis and relying upon.
Tried it about a month ago, and Takeout only exported starred items going back to January. I try every few weeks and am hoping they'll live up to the track record before the final shut-down.
Exporting the feeds isn't the problem, it's exporting years' worth of starred items I use as a reference archive — unless Google Takeout comes through, I've lost 20% of that archive. That's a big screw-up on their part.
I might give Keep a try, but it's not going to be used for any long-term or critical storage.
I only use Wunderlist for short-term stuff. If it ends up like Astrid or shuts down, I'm not put out much. Project planning is a different matter, and something that I wouldn't trust entirely to a cloud service.
I haven't found any alternatives, either. I'm hoping that they integrate it into their general messaging suite as rumoured, but I'm not optimistic. The idea of losing that central number and going back to the mercy of the telcos ... yuck.
Last I checked, Google Takeout did not export anywhere close to my full Reader starred archive. If it had worked properly I might trust them more. As it is, I'll just stick with Evernote (for long-term stuff), Wunderlist (for to-do listsf) and my syncing notepad app.
Count me in this camp. I'll use Google products that I'm confident won't go away (e.g. mail, calendar, analytics) or Google products that I don't use for archival purposes. But after they hosed me on Reader I won't be using Keep. I only have room to worry about Google pulling one service I rely upon, and that slot is…
In other and unrelated news, ESPN is proud to announce the expansion of its unpaid internship programme to 400 positions. Prospective interns should consult with their parents to determine if they know someone in senior management at the company or its parent company, Disney.
Take the Y out of this sign and I'd actually agree with it
Never too young to start learning the family business (or, given how they make their money, the family racket). Although it looks like people are getting wise to the scam and are choosing to mock them rather than hand them another assault lawsuit.
Good advice. The only exception: if the thief is Swiper himself. Swiper no swiping!
I doubt it about migrating. Google Reader was storing and indexing all those RSS items going back to 2005 if not earlier, and unless Google shares it with these services (which they should) they'll be gone.
I downloaded FeedDemon and synced it with my Google Reader account. It syncs starred articles, but does it in bunches. I repeatedly hit Update All under the tools menus, then click back and forth on the paginator in the lower right and it seems to pull more in after a bit (the paginator sticks at a 40, but if you…
You were the one who noted first that Bain doesn't buy healthy companies. If it makes you feel better to point out that a division of a "vulture capital" firm focused on smaller investments bought 1-800-Dentist, that's fine with me.