
I just love that THIS is how they choose to illustrate "man willing to sacrifice to get sex."

"Now that women are able to leave abusive and unhappy relationships, support themselves financially, and choose when/if to have children, we don't need marriage anymore." This is the core of the issue for men who believe this. Women don't NEED men to save the day anymore and these men resent that being taken away

I don't understand this "marriage panic". So what if there are fewer people getting married? So what if the birth rate is dropping? It seems like more people are doing these things because they want to, not because they have to. Isn't quality better than quantity?

She's stealing mine and Monsieur's book idea—Everything is a Competition and Sex is a Commodity: LaComtesse and Monsieur's Guide to Healthy Relationships

I stopped the video at "call it what you want, but men have a higher sex drive." Ok, I'll call it what I want - just as Lindy points out - women are socially conditioned to not initiate sex and to view themselves as devalued when they have it.

Excuse me?

Abused women go home with the abuser all the time. How is this surprising? Just because she went home with him doesn't mean that he DIDN'T knock her out cold.

Beating your child and yelling at your subordinates at work.

Wipe off the spit and removing yourself from the situation.

I'm more worried about somebody drafting the gay man. That's the real distraction

Sports fans would need to be willing to risk arrest away from home, in addition to desiring commercial sex from coerced victims, possibly underage ones.

Um, ekfuckingscuse me, but can we stop pretending that there's some super statistically significant number of sex-workers who are not coerced in a significant way (if not straight-up enslaved)? Unfortunately the instance of the sexually-empowered, self-employed sex-worker funding her college education or whatever is

It's the same as rape minus the sexual component plus the loss of a wanted pregnancy. It adds up perfectly. Other violent crimes such as rape have sentences that are too lenient.

Women should have the right to an abortion because every person should have the right to bodily autonomy. That underlying idea is the difference between an abortion and what this guy did. So an abortion by the mother would be OK because she has the right to decide that she will not undergo nine months of pregnancy

So the lack of bass makes you incapable of listening to content? You may have a brain tumour!


I think you're wrong. In fact, I think that Richard Sherman is too smart to react in that way. He was probably asked a question about it, and probably thought to make the best use of the stage he has. That is, to call shitty racist behavior what it is, in the hope that since people are paying attention to him right

Damnit, hockey.

"Those aren't thugs! They're goons!"

Except on Twitter, where the accepted way of calling someone the n-word is just to, you know, use the n-word.