
I know that, as a woman, I've dealt a lot of times with guys who know *less* about something than I do explaining that thing to me in a very patronizing way, and it's super frustrating. I generally like/welcome constructive criticism because it's a great way to improve, but it's entirely possible that at times, I've

I mean, I personally have had the opposite experience, but I don't assume that all men are bad at taking criticism and all women are great at it. I am in HR in Tech so I work with SWEs all the time. I gave feedback to a male engineering manager last week after he yelled (literally yelled) at me in front of 40 team

I agree with you. She'll never replace the original Wall in my heart, but I'm just saying you shouldn't hold it against the show.

Yeah, I thought about that, but didn't include it. Her number one cause is supposedly bullying, and Terry Richardson is nothing if not a bully (bullying women into sex). She probably would speak out against him if he were sexually assaulting homosexuals.

She also has said that it would be her "dream" to work with Woody Allen. This was in 2011, but she still said it. She doesn't have the greatest track record on these sort of things.

I bet he was there just to share notes with R Kelly

Shooting a model and then whipping out your dick and suggesting she touch it may nottechnically be a threat or coercion, but it's also not very professional

I think it's like how Paris Hilton is famous for being famous. He takes pictures of famous people, because he takes pictures of famous people.

i wonder if woody touched terry's penis.

Let's not forget, Gaga had him on tour with her for months to shoot her coffee table book. It caused me to doubt her, even though the book was awesome ( I got it for fifteen bucks on amazon). Who could hang out with that weirdo for all that time? He's such a creeper and every time I see those dumb glasses, I want to

See, I feel the exact opposite about this situation in general (obviously not specifically your mom and dad, as I do not know them). She has been telling him for YEARS that he needs to help with the cleaning. How the hell does he not get that by now? There are some nuanced situations where I get that clear commands

Some guys don't want to hear it. Seriously. I once heard a guy complain that when he did what he needed to do to make his girlfriend climax, he felt used. It's not that it was so difficult, it's that it wasn't exactly what he wanted and he couldn't stand doing something she wanted for a while. I also heard another guy

'If you like, or do not like, something then tell us. Straight-up tell us.'

sorry about your limited knowledge about human psychology but being unable to react is common behaviour for humans in a situation of traumatic experience.

Honest, depressing answer? Because nobody cares about these girls.

Postpartum depression is really, really bad stuff. It can actually stick around long after the children are born. She might have had it from the first child and it's only gotten worse with every later child.
We aren't surprised when drug addicts do crazy things but pregnant women have a lot of very strange chemical

I hate stories like this, because MRAs love them. False rape accusations are about as statistically common as meteor strikes and are a completely specious, idiotic reason to discount rape accusations. But high profile ones like this (yes I am assuming that Faircloth is lying, literally every single piece of evidence

He actually NAMED "Hurt feelings" in his lawsuit? Sorry, I can't help it, it's totally inappropriate, and yet... I'm laughing.

This reminds me of when news shows think being 'fair and balanced' means having a segment about evolution and bringing on an experienced scientist and someone who opposes their viewpoint on their blog just because.

Oh, you beat me to it. Now all that's left to do is peruse the clearance section of my Woman Within catalog...