I read somewhere that they like buying older, historical buildings because it makes the organization look more like a settled religion versus having only brand-new buildings. They purchased a castle in South Africa, possibly for that reason.
I read somewhere that they like buying older, historical buildings because it makes the organization look more like a settled religion versus having only brand-new buildings. They purchased a castle in South Africa, possibly for that reason.
I love watching people pop huge pimples and/or blackheads :3
Omg. I watched this a little while ago on YouTube. Sometimes I go on sprees where I watch cyst removals, ear wax extraction, etc. I know I'm not the only who enjoys this type of shit because there are millions of views on these videos. So I'm not ashamed.
Anyone else here a picker? My fiancee has a spot on his back that always gets a tiny blackhead and I'm the fucking devil with that thing.
UGHHH. I fell into a k-hole a few weeks ago watching videos like this, and I can't stop obsessively checking my skin. Also: THERE ARE WORSE VIDEOS OUT THERE. And they're horrible and you can't look away and I would have been happier never knowing that GIANT FUCKING BLACKHEADS THAT OFTEN REQUIRE SCALPEL REMOVAL are a…
Yay, Ada Lovelace!
Every class I've taken that mentions DNA has made a comment about the contributions of Rosalind Franklin and her treatment by Watson and Crick. It getting to feel like the Edison vs Tesla debate, the controversy is driving the interest.
I couldn't get beyond halfway on that Glee clip. I found the whole thing a bit gross. I just imagine them all being told, "Okay guys, so if you could all sit together on set, some of you could hold hands maybe? Great - then Lea's gonna lip-synch, while crying, to a song she recorded before (when she wasn't crying) and…
Okay. So I was living with a boyfriend of five years, and one night as we're sleeping, I wake up to him having sex with me. I didn't really even wake up, it was more like I entered a lucid dream. The next morning I asked him about it, he said he didn't remember us having sex. He snored, and sometimes had fitful…
Fair enough. I actually came to like the guy once he embraced his sexuality, but it was a baffling and hurtful situation when it happened. This wasn't an LTR - this guy popped out of a red Mustang like hetero cis-male Venus stepping out of a damn clam shell, asked me out, wined me, dined me, had sex with me, opened…
I'm assuming it was Zeus.
I really, really hate people who can't recognize that sometimes, it's not important for other people to hear their opinions. If it's negative, unhelpful, and saying it implies you think that your opinion should be more important to the other person than it actually should, keep that shit to yourself.
"...publically and honestly, you stand to come off looking like an idiot."
"but i was so fickle about her body. i’m not shy, i would just blurt out shit all the time."
Considering the mascot is incredibly racist and every American over the age of eight knows that painting your face to mock another race is incredibly inappropriate... yes. They must be racist.
it's amazing how TR, along with VICE magazine, american apparel and the like are using retro-ish hipster aesthetics to justify their retrogressive, angry-horny-white-man worldviews and bullying others along with their 'fun' games.
"How is it "daring" or evidence of one's heightened sensitivity to the "creative" life to speak up for a wealthy member of the establishment with a client list longer than the hairs of his pedo-stache?"
@elsbels: And thats how he gets away with it. Because if you were to ask the high profile girls like Kate, they'd deny ever being touched in any sort of way and praise him to the heavens. Because he knows better than to mess with THEM.
Jenna, I really love your posts. Truly.