
You could even delve into the origins of the Gerudo. Perhaps them and the Hylians were once one culture until brought apart by civil war. It could totally fit within the mythos of the franchise. Also a co-op Zelda with one player as Link and the other is Zelda has been a dream of mine for a very, very long time. Make

Seriously though. Gurren Lagan and Mass Effect have a very similar base plot. An extremely determined individual fights against forces far beyond his control, against being that would whip intelligent life out because of their potential for destruction? Yeah.

I wish I could promote you.

I wasn't really involved in the console war of the early 90s when this argument would have been valid, and I was mostly joking with the argument is invalid thing. Phantasy Star 4 is good, but I never finished it. Heck, I played Chrono Trigger just a couple of years ago for the first time, and it's one of my favorite

Chrono TRIGGER! Your argument is invalid.

Now playing

Playing the music from Princess Mononoke "just because" is never a bad idea. Not only because it is melodically beautiful but because it uses it's music to color and even foreshadow events and themes in the film. Sit down, get a cup of water, because I am about to blow your mind. A few months ago I was reading this

Did you get my reply to this? Because I thought I did reply to this. If you didn't just let me know and I'll shoot you an explanation of my logic.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that I can see where this guy's logic is coming from and agree with him on some level. I don't think his wrong, but here's where is doesn't quite work. Porn is a genre, it's something that exists within another medium with it's own ideas about structure that serve it's purpose. You have to

I'm pretty sure Casey Hudson said that they won't have any games after Shepard's lifetime in "The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3", It's possible that they could just be laughing behind our backs. I'm not saying that their isn't some sort of canon ending floating around at Bioware, or that someday it won't be used. Just


I agree, it really bothers me that somehow the ending eliminated in a hot flash all the good that came before. That is rather bogus. I get it, I really do, but that doesn't make it not foolish.

I both agree with you and disagree, I was rather neutral about the original ending, seeing both what made so many people so angry, and why some people liked it. I agree that's it's openness was an advantage and a major problem. It was hard to see that my actions mattered when none of the results were shown. In this

I never really hated the endings, even though I understood why people hated them with a fierce fiery passion. I am more "satisfied" with the ending I got in the extended cut, but...I still have some major problems, However... I REALLY LOVE THIS SERIES. Seriously, Mass Effect 3 remains one of the best games I've ever

It's a free-to-play fps, involving Mechs beating the living crap out of each other. Here...[]

You, extremely crude username that is neither clever nor funny, are quite a troll. Let's take a look at the pudding because the proof is there.

They released a patch awhile ago that did. I'm very sure.

Yeah, I still play plenty of FPS's, but the Halo games really annoyed me for this reason. Don't get me wrong, those games are often really well designed. Co-op and multiplayer are a blast, but even when they had obvious opportunity to explore the horror of war, they don't. Bioshock struck me as something of an

That is so awesome. The problem with video game violence for me isn't that there is violence rather that it is without consequence. I'm not arguing that other mediums don't have this problem as well, or that in all video games death should have incredible weight, but that their should be more video games that way and

My fondest memory of his writing was reading Fahrenheit 451 in sophomore year of High School. It was for my English class, and we had to write an short essay for each reading. I had a study period just before english when I would write these essays. It was during this period where I realized how work can be an amazing