
Yeah, I still play plenty of FPS's, but the Halo games really annoyed me for this reason. Don't get me wrong, those games are often really well designed. Co-op and multiplayer are a blast, but even when they had obvious opportunity to explore the horror of war, they don't. Bioshock struck me as something of an

That is so awesome. The problem with video game violence for me isn't that there is violence rather that it is without consequence. I'm not arguing that other mediums don't have this problem as well, or that in all video games death should have incredible weight, but that their should be more video games that way and

My fondest memory of his writing was reading Fahrenheit 451 in sophomore year of High School. It was for my English class, and we had to write an short essay for each reading. I had a study period just before english when I would write these essays. It was during this period where I realized how work can be an amazing

I don't think your point was entirely valid. In Heavy Rain, violence is a terrible thing (as far as I understand), it's not something that is encouraged by it's gameplay rather something that is feared and hated. In games like Call of Duty, or Battlefield, or even Mass Effect 3. The violence is so frequent that it

It's really great to see a multiplayer game paying more attention to the world it's structured in. The potential of a multiplayer, story driven shooter are mind-blowing to me; so it's really great to see the industry moving closer to that kind of experience.

Did you read the thing? The author didn't seem annoyed at the menu at all. This would be an acute observation, if it had anything to do with what the author was saying. He actually points out Mass Effect 3 (which uses a very similar advertising system to 2) in the article. I might be a little late to the discussion,

Agreed, absolutely. I'm glad you found an awesome second wife. And thanks for the compliment about the "my knowledge" thing, I chuckled as I was writing it down.

Both points are really good. I can't really argue about the first one, because my knowledge of sex consists of public education, hip-hop music and Mass Effect. The only point I would make is that it's important to wait for the right person, I think someone whose willing to marry you is a pretty good indicator of that,

I like you, you know that? The whole faith thing is the only reason I haven't fully jumped in support of gay rights. This quote from the Book of Mormon completely sums up my religious belief: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. I'm also really glad that a debate

Not exactly although, I totally see your point. I really don't understand where in the passages about Sodom it implies anything about homosexuality. It just says that they were really, really bad people. In my comment I said that I considered all sexual sin to be equal, that doesn't necessarily include all

I'm seriously with you. When that scream hits at the beginning of a wave, I completely lose control of my bladder. REALLY, REALLY satisfying when you take one down though.

See that's the thing. Is I don't believe God hates people, he may hate wickedness, but not individuals. "Let him who is sinless among you cast the first stone." And also to continue your point about ignorance. Religion is essentially that the knowing without seeing any exact evidence to prove something's existence. I

Agreed, those are some of my favorite episodes with him in it.

As a fairly religious person who belongs to a church that has actively opposed Gay Marriage on a few occasions. Gay rights have for a long time been something of a stumbling block toward my belief. The restriction of it is something that is very hard for me to swallow logically, but at the same time I really believe

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Has anyone seen this? I think it's a pretty good example of how "dumb" games can be pretty dang smart. Games are essentially split into two parts, gameplay and context. And while the best games meld the gameplay and context in interesting ways, many very good ones have great gameplay with dull or at least arbitrary

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As anyone seen this? (Warning strong language). To me it's a useful example of games that the author of this article in the Atlantic would consider "dumb" can still be pretty dang smart. Games are essentially are made up of pure gameplay and context, and the combination thereof. And while the most interesting games