
A while ago, someone asked Victoria Beckham in an interview if it bothered her that people talk shit about David having such a soft voice. She was like, "Uh, I saw him get out of the shower this morning and I couldn't stop staring. Have you all seen him? Who cares about his voice??"

A clit cap! So cute! Now your clit can sunbathe in style.

My Crystal Healer told me my balls should get more fluorescent lighting so now I dont wear pants in Costco.

Agree. Also, end your social life for GoT. You won't be disappointed.

For those of you expressing outrage that this defense was even allowable in the first place, you seem to be forgetting how the military operates. In the military, you are a tool first and a person second. Your usefulness to your command as a tool outweighs your personhood by a long shot.

Not so much good fortune as political kung-fu grandmastery. Akin was McCaskill's congressman; she knew he was the yutz of all yutzes, so she backed ads during the Republican primaries about how he was "too conservative for Missouri." Which is all the wingnut primary voters needed to hear. Then it was just a matter

Just for clarity, I am not waiting happily or as a rival or anything. I've tried to convince her to work on her diet dozens of times; she refuses and I stopped because that can of course tear a friendship apart... We reached that point where it's 'do as you will'.

I think it's telling that there is nothing like this that is for testicular or prostate cancer. That speaks volumes.

Now playing

I'm going to have to let Residente of Calle 13 sing my feelings for me:

I love you Kesha! Keep doing what you do and every time someone comes along and bitches that you're not "Ladylike" or "Classy" enough, you just keep being comfortable in your skin!


Hmmm. Well, let's see.

White cotton boxers are my trigger. Seriously.

What I personally want to see gender-swapped more than anything is The Hobbit. Imagine it starring like 19 ladies and then the female director being like, "Hmm. There's absolutely no men in this story. It's like they don't exist in the world. Poor lads. I think I'll write in a small part for a male wood elf to give it

It's killing my OCD that the picture isn't quite in the correct order for that. Close, but not quite. I want to move her around.

I'm sure he'll rip off Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" with a song about wanting his wife back.

He'd be hotter if he got that gross cigar out of his mouth. I can think of much better things he can suck on.

...some might call you a troll, but you're doing God's work son. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This is actually a pretty Goddamn genius idea.

How come Arya's death isn't on here?

@Spaceknight: Depends on the person, I think. Marry in heat, repent at leisure. It's a lot better to take some time, figure out whether the person you've got the hots for is actually someone you can tolerate for the rest of your life AFTER you get out of bed with 'em. My brother married 4 times, got 4 divorces. I