
I’m sure AoS could have done a lot with that extra $8.50.

You’d think that, but Inhumans pulled off the very impressive feat of having its season finale be one of its most boring epidodes.

Given my surprising lack of enthusiasm for Solo, I think you may be right about that one per year thing.

Anticipating token Easter eggs to Jack Kirby’s designs while the Eternals are redesigned as a group of moody millennials wearing dark clothing.

Dr. Smith, was by far, the worst aspect of the show in its entirety. Posey was amazing...and she sold -all- of it. But Dr. Smith as a character was abysmal. I hated every time she was on screen.

Sorry if this is an ignorant question - it seems so obvious I imagine it must be accounted for? - or if I missed it in reading the article, but is there some definitive reason to rule out North Korean nuclear weapons testing as a source?

It just occurred to me that the “Wally Brando” scene may have been Lynch poking fun at all of the other derivative television series that have tried and failed to be as cool, quirky, and original as TWIN PEAKS, but that just ended up being as cool as... well, Wally Brando.

 His transition was shit in the prequels.

Now playing

I feel like the Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul moment in Rebels is the best treatment of the sort of warrior Obi-Wan is in his old age. To me, the fight above perfectly bridges the prequel era and the OT era, because it pays homage to the old stories with every single moment, while also recognizing that people do change.

Maybe he could be Clork Kent, Clark’s cousin from Sheboygan.

It’s a pass for me too - but mostly because I don’t like what it is.

I actually really like this car. It looks like an Italian engineer saw the Honda CRX, and said, “It’s okay, but it’d be better if it was way more complicated and busy-looking.”

Counterpoint, I think it looks really cool and different.

Look, if there is 1 thing I just flat out accept about Star Wars is to not mentally challenge the science or physics of anything I see on screen.

Am I the only one who thinks that having a super-space-battleship that can be disabled by some guy flying a tiny space fighter (of any kind) through its bridge windows is kind of a bad design?

Sheesh, they’ll be leaving their thermal exhaust ports open next ...