
The Purple Panther

Dilophosaurus, methinks.

My wife and I as Medusa and a stoned Greek guy.

It’s not POSSIBLE!
In Requiem for Methuselah, Kirk competes with an immortal genius for the love of the “perfect woman” - an android sexbot that the immortal was testing as a companion. When the sexbot dies rather than hurt either Kirk or her creator, Kirk goes into a major funk. But on McCoy’s

IIRC (and I am certain I do), the Shi-ar Imperial Guard (with the exception of Gladiator, a superman analog) were the Legion of Superheros from DC ... funny to watch a (then-novel) Wolverine fight Timberwolf of the Legion.

Well, it has been a while since 1980 when I first read it, but my recollection is that the Shi-ar come to do battle with the X-Men because the Phoenix is loose and eating star systems (like you do). The X-Men lose, and Jean Grey lets herself get vaporized by a moon cannon in the Blue Area. Pretty darn shocking event,

Siddown, yer rockin’ da boat.

Is that the amended version? I believe a codicil was added to 135.002 (a)(3)(B)(ii) paragraph seven that permitted an exception to strict adherence in the event the proposed action was “good theater.”

I had a lovely old BRG Triumph Spitfire that I drove everywhere in the early 90s. I was the local newspaper guy in a small town in rural Georgia, and it was late on a Friday night. I was returning from watching the local high school (the Richmond Hill Wildcats) whoop up on some boys from the other local high School

Call me John Harrison, man.

Huge fan of all three (okay, I’ll acknowledge a grudging and growing tolerance of McFarland - enthusiasm goes a long way), but “Great Actors” they ain’t.

Doll-eyed, doll-haired wooden actor as captain of a Star Fleet ship?
Never happen.

From the show “Preacher.”
And watch your fucking language.

Porg is God.

Porgs wear heels?

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”