
What is the opposite of “new”?
There has always been a dynamic relationship between news as a business and news as a social function. When news organizations stopped being family businesses (the Grahams, the Ottoways, the Hursts, and so forth), the CEOs of these publicly-traded corporations were more concerned about

“Which makes sense if you know anything about the comic book storyline, considering part of it involves Jean accidentally murdering a bunch of Shi’ar ...”

Nope. The planet Jean destroys as Dark Phoenix is populated by a couple billion non-descript little blobby light blue aliens.

“But the big nod to the baby’s identity is what the creepy cloaked figures say before shooting it into space towards Earth: “It will grow strong on Earth, and then it will reign.”

This is miss-transcribed; it should read “It will grow strong on Earth, and then it will rain.

It was supposed to land in Seattle.

I was just going to post this comment. Well observed, sir.

Nude woman found in garden.
She remains in a vegetative state.

I agree completely.

Does he tuck?


Snoke is Windu.

Do you have to wear the cat ears and belly-baring dress, or is that optional to the experience?

Hello there, pretty! Let me touch your ropy alien nastiness with my bare hand. Don’t worry, though, I’m a sientistical person.

That “non-Ripley” woman was Veronica Cartwright, whose filmograph ( ) is amazing in its own right. Bit of trivia: she is the sister of Angela Cartwright, who played Penny Robinson in “Lost in Space” back in the ‘60s.

I am surprised that no one has mentioned that, during that scene with German general Erich Ludendorff (Danny Huston), the “flying out the window” shows WW following a guy in a private soldier’s uniform, complete with helmet.
Don’t know who he is, but the fellow she bashes out the upper-story window is probably not

“But can Steve Rogers really turn around from this and come out of it the same hero he was before this story?”

So, Will played “Omega Man” [okay, “legend”] in 2007, and now is doing “Gemini Man”... presumably in 2018.

Maybe this is his slow move towards becoming an alpha male before osteoporosis makes him unmarketable as a lead?

“ And if you want your characters to stand out against a background, blue is a great choice because it will always be the background for scenes set outside on a sunny day or in SpongeBob’s case, under the sea.”

Hail effing Hydra.
Go screw yourselves, Marvel.

I was thinking:

Could be ...